
[63] Lee, Chia-Yen*, Li, Yao-Wen, and Chang, Chih-Chun, 2025. Multi-agent reinforcement learning for chiller system prediction and energy-saving optimization in semiconductor manufacturing. International Journal of Production Economics, 280, 109488. (MOST111-2628-E-002-019-MY3)

[62] Hung, Chi-Yu, Lee, Chia-Yen*, Tsai, C.-H., and Wu, J.-M., 2024. ORgram: semi-supervised learning framework for inline bearing diagnosis in varying speed. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 134, 2387–2401. (MOST111-2221-E-002-197).

[61] Hung, Yu-Hsin, Shen, Hong-Ying, and Lee, Chia-Yen*, 2024. Deep reinforcement learning-based preventive maintenance for repairable machines with deterioration in a flow line system. Annals of Operations Research. (MOST111-2628-E-002-019-MY3; MOST 111-2221-E-002-197).

[60] Lee, Chia-Yen*, Huang, Yi-Tao, and Chen, P.-J., 2024. Robust-optimization-guiding deep reinforcement learning for chemical material production scheduling. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 187, 108745. (MOST111-2221-E-002-197)

[59] Cheng, Yu-Hsiang, Lee, Chia-Yen*, Tsai, C.-H., and Wu, J.-M., 2024. Two-phase data science framework for compensation of the friction force in CNC machines. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. (MOST110-2221-E-002-163)

[58] Lu, Hsuan-Wen, and Lee, Chia-Yen*, 2024. Feature-enhanced multisource subdomain adaptation on robust remaining useful life prediction. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 9(7), 6130 - 6137. (MOST111-2221-E-002-197)

[57] Dai, S., Fang, Yu-Hsueh, Lee, Chia-Yen, Kuosmanen, T.*, 2024. pyStoNED: a python package for convex regression and frontier estimation. Journal of Statistical Software, 111 (6), 1-43.

[56] Lee, Chia-Yen*, Ho, Chieh-Ying, Hung, Yu-Hsin, and Deng, Yu-Wen, 2024. Multi-objective genetic algorithm embedded with reinforcement learning for petrochemical melt-flow-index production scheduling. Applied Soft Computing, 159, 111630.  (NSTC112-2221-E-002-003)

[55] Hung, Yu-Hsin, and Lee, Chia-Yen*, 2024. BMB-LIME: LIME with modeling local nonlinearity and uncertainty in explainability. Knowledge-Based Systems, 294, 111732. (NSTC112-2221-E-002-003).

[54] Lee, Chia-Yen*, Chang, Kai, and Ho, Chien, 2024. Autoencoder-based detector for distinguishing process anomaly and sensor failure. International Journal of Production Research, 62(19), 7130-7145. (MOST111-2221-E-002-197)

[53] Huang, Y.-Y.*, Menozzi, M., and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2024. Vergence-Accommodation Conflict: Increased Presbyopia in Virtual Reality. Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, 241(04), 540-544. (MOST111-2221-E-002-197)

[52] Wu, Yen-Tung, and Lee, Chia-Yen*, 2024. Marginal productivity of product mix matters? data envelopment analysis for marginal profit consistency in Taiwan’s life insurance industry. Operations Research Forum, 5, 7.  (MOST111-2628-E-002-019-MY3)

[51] Lee, Chia-Yen*, Wu, Cheng-Man, Hsu, C.-Y., Xie, H.-H., and Fang, Yu-Hsueh, 2023. Lithography reticle scheduling in semiconductor manufacturing. Engineering Optimization. (MOST111-2221-E-002-197)

[50] Lee, Chia-Yen, and Yang, Shu-Huei, 2023. Graph spatio-temporal networks for manufacturing sales forecast and prevention policies in pandemic era. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 182, 109413. (MOST111-2628-E-002-019-MY3)

[49] Lee, Chia-Yen, and Chen, Yen-Wen, 2024. Reinforcement learning with data envelopment analysis and conditional value-at-risk for the capacity expansion problem. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71, 6469-6480. (MOST111-2628-E-002-019-MY3)

[48] Lee, Chia-Yen, and Tseng, Chin-Yi, 2023. Market power and efficiency analysis in bi-level energy transmission market. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,196, 544–569. (MOST108-2221-E-006-223-MY3)

[47] Chiang, Tsai-Pin, and Lee, Chia-Yen*, 2022. Solid waste management for the eco-efficiency assessment of energy recovery from waste in incinerators. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 186, 106589. (MOST108-2221-E-006-223-MY3; MOST111-2628-E-002-019-MY3).

[46] Shen, Po-Cheng, Lu, Meng-Xiu, and Lee, Chia-Yen*, 2022. Spatio-temporal anomaly detection for substrate strip bin map in semiconductor assembly process. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7(4), 9493-9500. (MOST110-2221-E-002-163)

[45] Lee, Chia-Yen, Lin, Yung-Lun, Lin, Shu-Hung, and Yang, T., 2024. Virtual material quality investigation system. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71, 2649 - 2659. (MOST110-2221-E-002-163)

[44] Tseng, Chin-Yi, Lee, Chia-Yen*, Wang, Qunwei, Wu, Changsong, 2022. Data envelopment analysis and stochastic equilibrium analysis for market power investigation in a bi-level Market. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 161, 102705. (MOST108-2221-E-006-223-MY3)

[43] Shen, Po-Cheng, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. Wafer bin map recognition with autoencoder-based data augmentation in semiconductor assembly process. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 35(2), 198 - 209. (MOST110-2221-E-002-163)

[42] Lu, Hsuan-Wen, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. Kernel-based dynamic ensemble technique for remaining useful life prediction. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7 (2), 1142-1149. (MOST110-2221-E-002-163)

[41] Lee, Chia-Yen, Chou, Bai-Jian, and Huang, C.-F. 2022. Data science and reinforcement learning for price forecasting and raw material procurement in petrochemical industry. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 51, 101443. (MOST106-2218-E-031-001)

[40] Hung, Yu-Hsin, Lee, Chia-Yen, Tsai, Ching-Hsiung, and Lu, Yen-Ming, 2022. Constrained particle swarm optimization for health maintenance in three-mass resonant servo control system with LuGre friction model. Annals of Operations Research, 311, 131–150. (MOST110-2221-E-002-163)

[39] Lee, Chia-Yen, and Charles, V., 2022. A robust capacity expansion integrating the perspectives of marginal productivity and capacity regret. European Journal of Operational Research, 296 (2), 557-569. (MOST103-2221-E-006-122-MY3; MOST108-2221-E-006-223-MY3)

[38] Lee, Chia-Yen, and Chien, C.-F., 2022. Pitfalls and protocols of data science in manufacturing practice. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 33, 1189–1207.  (MOST106-2218-E-031-001)

[37] Lee, Chia-Yen, Wu, Chao-Shian, and Hung, Yu-Hsin, 2021. In-line predictive monitoring framework. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 18 (4), 1668-1678. (MOST106-2218-E-031-001)

[36] Chen, H.-K., Lin, Y.-H., and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2021. Convex nonparametric least squares and stochastic semi-nonparametric frontier to estimate the shadow prices of PM2.5 and NOx for Taiwan’s transportation modes. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 15 (9), 659-577.

[35] Lee, Chia-Yen, Zeng, Jun-Hua, Lee, S.-Y., Lu, R.-B., and Kuo, P.-H., 2021. SNP data science for classification of bipolar disorder I and bipolar disorder II. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 18 (6), 2862-2869

[34] Hung, Shao-Yen, Lee, Chia-Yen, and Lin, Yung-Lun, 2020. Data science for delamination prognosis and online batch learning in semiconductor assembly process. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 10 (2), 314-324. (MOST106-2218-E-031-001)

[33] Lee, Chia-Yen, Chang, Ho-Chien, and Wang, K.-W., 2021. Business ecosystem and technology roadmap for Taiwan’s TFT-LCD industry. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 33 (1), 1-17.

[32] Lee, Chia-Yen, and Dong, Zhao-Hong. 2019. Hierarchical equipment health index framework. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 32 (3), 267-276. (MOST106-2218-E-031-001)

[31] Tsai, Tsung-Lun, Huang, M.-H., Lee, Chia-Yen, and Lai, W.-W., 2019. Data science for extubation prediction and value of information in surgical intensive care unit. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 8 (10), 1709.

[30] Lee, Chia-Yen, Wang, K., and Sun, W., 2021. Allocation of emissions permit for China’s iron and steel industry in an imperfectly competitive market: a Nash equilibrium DEA method. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 68 (2), 548-561. (MOST106-2628-E-006-009-MY3)

[29] Lee, Chia-Yen. 2019. Decentralized allocation of emission permits by Nash data envelopment analysis in the coal-fired power market. Journal of Environmental Management, 241, 353-362. (MOST106-2628-E-006-009-MY3)

[28] Lee, Chia-Yen, Huang, Ting-Syun, Liu, M.-K., and Lan, C.-Y., 2019. Data science for vibration heteroscedasticity and predictive maintenance of rotary bearings. Energies, 12 (5), 801. (MOST106-2628-E-006-009-MY3; MOST105-2218-E-007-027)

[27] Lee, Chia-Yen, Sun, Wei-Chun, and Li, Y.-H., 2022. Biodiesel economic evaluation and biomass planting allocation optimization in global supply chain. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 69 (3), 602-615. (MOST106-2628-E-006-009-MY3)

[26] Lee, Chia-Yen, and Cai, Jia-Ying, 2020. LASSO variable selection in data envelopment analysis with small datasets. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 91, 102019. (MOST106-2628-E-006-009-MY3)

[25] Lee, Chia-Yen, and Wang, Ke, 2019. Nash marginal abatement cost estimation of air pollutant emissions using the stochastic semi-nonparametric frontier. European Journal of Operational Research, 273 (1), 390-400. (MOST106-2628-E-006-009-MY3)

[24] Lee, Chia-Yen, and Tsai, Tsung-Lun, 2019. Data science framework for variable selection, metrology prediction, and process control in TFT-LCD manufacturing. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 55, 76-87. (MOST 105-2218-E-007-027)

[23] Lee, Chia-Yen, 2019. Proactive marginal productivity analysis for business shutdown decision by DEA. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 70(7), 1065-1078. (NSC102-2410-H-006-055, MOST103-2221-E-006-122-MY3)

[22] Wang, K., Xian, Y., Lee, Chia-Yen, Wei, Y.-M., and Huang, Z., 2019. On selecting directions for directional distance functions in a non-parametric framework: A review. Annals of Operations Research, 278 (1-2), 43–76. (MOST103-2221-E-006-122-MY3)

[21] Lee, Chia-Yen, and Liang, Chia-Lung, 2018. Manufacturer's printing forecast, reprinting decision, and contract design in the educational publishing industry. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 125, 678-687. (MOST104-2622-E-006-026-CC3)

[20] Wang, Ke, Lee, Chia-Yen, Zhang, J., and Wei, Y.-M., 2018. Operational performance management of the power industry: A distinguishing analysis between effectiveness and efficiency. Annals of Operations Research, 268 (1-2), 513-537. (MOST103-2221-E-006-122-MY3)

[19] Lee, Chia-Yen, 2018. Mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium in data envelopment analysis. European Journal of Operational Research, 266 (3), 1013-1024. (MOST106-2628-E-006-009-MY3)

[18] Lee, Chia-Yen, and Chen, Bo-Syun, 2018. Mutually-exclusive-and-collectively-exhaustive feature selection scheme. Applied Soft Computing, 68, 961-971. (MOST104-2622-E-006-026-CC3, MOST103-2218-E-007-023)

[17] Lee, Chia-Yen, 2017. Directional marginal productivity: A foundation of meta-data envelopment analysis. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 68 (5), 544-555. (MOST103-2221-E-006-122-MY3)

[16] Lee, Chia-Yen, 2016. Nash-profit efficiency: A measure of changes in market structures. European Journal of Operational Research, 255 (2), 659-663. (MOST103-2221-E-006-122-MY3)

[15] Chou, H.-W., Lee, Chia-Yen, Chen, Huey-Kuo, and Tsai, Mon-You, 2016. Evaluating airlines with slack-based measures and meta-frontiers. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 50 (6), 1061–1089.

[14] Lee, Chia-Yen, and Chiang, Ming-Chien, 2016. Aggregate demand forecast with small data and robust capacity decision in TFT-LCD manufacturing. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 99, 415-422. (MOST103-2221-E-006-122-MY3 and MOST103-2218-E-007-023)

[13] Lee, Chia-Yen, 2016. Most productive scale size versus demand fulfillment: A solution to the capacity dilemma. European Journal of Operational Research, 248 (3), 954–962. (MOST103-2221-E-006-122-MY3)

[12] Lee, Chia-Yen, and Zhou, Peng, 2015. Directional shadow price estimation of CO2, SO2 and NOx in the United States coal power industry 1990-2010. Energy Economics, 51, 493–502. (MOST103-2221-E-006-122-MY3)

[11] Lee, Chia-Yen, and Johnson, A. L., 2015. Effective production: Measuring of the sales effect using data envelopment analysis. Annals of Operations Research, 235 (1), 453–486. (NSC101-2218-E-006-023).

[10] Lee, Chia-Yen, 2015. Distinguishing operational performance in power production: A new measure of effectiveness by DEA. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 30 (6), 3160–3167. (NSC102-2410-H-006-055, NCKU RCETS)

[9] Lee, Chia-Yen, and Johnson, A. L., 2015. Measuring efficiency in imperfectly competitive markets: An example of rational inefficiency. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 164 (2), 702–722. (NSC101-2218-E-006-023, NCKU RCETS)

[8] Lee, Chia-Yen, 2014. Meta-data envelopment analysis: Finding a direction towards marginal profit maximization. European Journal of Operational Research, 237 (1), 207–216. (NSC102-2410-H-006-055)

[7] Lee, Chia-Yen, Chen, C.-H., and Chien, C.-F., 2014. A simulation analysis for evaluating TFT-LCD fab capacity expansion with a distant transportation problem. International Journal of Production Research, 52 (6), 1868–1885. (NSC100-2628-E-007-017-MY3)

[6] Lee, Chia-Yen, and Chien, C.-F., 2014. Stochastic programming for vendor portfolio selection and order allocation under delivery uncertainty. OR Spectrum, 36 (3), 761–797. (NSC102-2622-E-007-013)

[5] Lee, Chia-Yen, and Johnson, A. L., 2014. Proactive data envelopment analysis: Effective production and capacity expansion in stochastic environments. European Journal of Operational Research, 232 (3), 537548. (NSC101-2218-E-006-023)

[4] Lee, Chia-Yen, Johnson, A. L., Moreno-Centeno, E., and Kuosmanen, T., 2013. A more efficient algorithm for convex nonparametric least squares. European Journal of Operational Research, 227 (2), 391400.

[3] Lee, Chia-Yen and Johnson, A. L., 2012. Two-dimensional efficiency decomposition to measure the demand effect in productivity analysis. European Journal of Operational Research, 216 (3), 584–593.

[2] Lee, Chia-Yen and Johnson, A. L., 2011. A decomposition of productivity change in the semiconductor manufacturing industry. International Journal of Production Research, 49 (16), 4761–4785.

[1] Chien, C.-F., Lee, Chia-Yen, Huang, Y., and Wu, W., 2009. An efficient computational procedure for determining the container loading pattern. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 56 (3), 965–978. (NSC95-2221-E-007-126)

  Case Study

[1] 李家岩、林大禾、許芸嘉、郭秉宸、蔡明順、葉清來,2024。宏遠興業邁向工業4.0轉型全球在地化策略布局管理個案評論,15(1),27–54


  Book Chapters

[9] Lee, Chia-Yen, and Charles, V. 2024. Robust Capacity Expansion: Methodologies and Practice. In: Choi, Tsan-Ming (eds), Encyclopedia in Operations Management. Elsevier.

[8] Hung, I-Ting, Lee, Chia-Yen*, Chen, Yen-Wen, Tsai, Ching-Hsiung, Wu Jia-Ming. 2024. Friction-based on-line health assessment and predictive maintenance for belt drive system. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, A Springer book series. Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing: Manufacturing Innovation and Preparedness for the Changing World Order: Proceedings of FAIM2024, June 23–26, 2024, Taichung, TAIWAN. (Third Prize Best Paper Award, the 33th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM2024) 榮獲2024彈性自動化與智慧製造國際研討會最佳論文獎第三名)

[7] Fang, Yu-Hsueh (方鈺學), Chiang, Tsai-Pin (江采嬪), Wu, Yen-Tung (吳延東), and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. Cap-and-Trade and Carbon Pricing (排放權交易與碳定價). In CIIE (中國工業工程學會) (eds), Sustainable Engineering and Management (永續工程與管理), 前程文化. (in Chinese)

[6] Lee, Chia-Yen,2022。Operations Research and Resource Optimization (作業研究與資源優化). In: Chien, C.-F. (eds), Introduction to Industrial Engineering and Management (工業工程與管理導論), 前程文化. (in Chinese)

[5] Lee, Chia-Yen, Hung, Yu-Hsin, and Chen, Yen-Wen, 2021. Hybrid data science and reinforcement learning in data envelopment analysis. In: Zhu, J. and Charles V. (eds), Data-Enabled Analytics: DEA for Big Data, International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, vol 312, Springer.

[4] Johnson, A. L., and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2017. "Predictive efficiency analysis", book chapter edited in: Kaoru Tone, (Editor), Advances in DEA Theory and Applications: With Extensions to Forecasting Models, 404–418, John Wiley & Sons Ltd..

[3] Lee, Chia-Yen, and Johnson, A. L., 2013, "Operational efficiency", book chapter edited in: Badiru, A. B. (Editor), Handbook of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 2nd Edition, 17–44, CRC Press.

[2] Lee, Chia-Yen, 2012. Demand Effects in Productivity and Efficiency Analysis. Ph.D. Dissertation in Texas A&M University, USA.

[1] Lee, Chia-Yen, 2006. Constructing A Portfolio Optimization Model for Vendor Selection and Order Allocation under Delivery Uncertainty (建構交貨不確定下廠商評選與訂單配置之最佳化模式). Master Thesis in National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan.   


[4] Lee, Chia-Yen, Chou, Bai-Jian (周百建), Liow, Cayon Keei Yann, and Hong De-Yang, 2022. Material Procurement Method, Electric Device, and Computer Program Product (原料採購決策方法、電子裝置與電腦程式產品). Taiwan Patent: I757828.

[3] Lee, Chia-Yen, Cheng, Yu-Hsiang (鄭宇翔), Chen, Chia-Hui (陳家慧), and Tsai, Ping-Chun (蔡秉均), 2021. Method for predicting and compensating frictions of feed system (進給系統的摩擦力預測與補償方法). Taiwan Patent: I731699.

[2] Lee, Chia-Yen and Yung-Lun Lin (林永倫), 2018.  Virtual Material Quality Investigation System (虛擬物料品質檢測系統). Taiwan Patent: I632470.

[1] Lee, Chia-Yen and Bo-Syun Chen, 2017. Mutually-Exclusive and Collectively-Exhaustive (MECE) Feature Selection Method (互斥與完備集合的特徵選擇方法). Taiwan Patent: I564740

  Software Package

[1] Sheng Dai, Yu-Hsueh Fang, Chia-Yen Lee, and Timo Kuosmanen (2021). pyStoNED: Python package for Stochastic Nonparametric Envelopment of Data (StoNED).
pyStoNED Homepage:

  Exclusive Interview/Short Article/採訪/專訪

[12] 簡禎富、李家岩,2023。學會介紹:中國工業工程學會,《航太及熱流學門通訊》月刊第六十二期,2023年2月。

[11] 李家岩、楊舒惠、歐子毓、盧宣文,2022。數據科學分析的土壤:數據品質評估,東華AI通訊報,第三期。(in Chinese)

[10] AIF Editor, 2022。你夠了解製造場域嗎?智慧製造的關鍵要點,知勢(Knowledge!Edge)。(in Chinese)

[9] 李家岩, 2022. 大器綏猷、愛與羈絆,學門風采,工程科技推展中心電子報。 (in Chinese)

[8] 張維君, 2021. 智慧製造產業醫生,健全產業生態系統,科技魅癮(Charming Scitech),科技部。(in Chinese)

[7] 李家岩, 2021. 製造數據科學挑戰與人機協作,中國工業工程學會雜誌。(in Chinese)

[6] 李家岩, 2020. 黑客松營隊到競賽要如何啟發孩子對AI的興趣?「AI4kids x 耐能智慧」2020第一屆青少年黑客松競賽。(Chinese)

[5] 張錦弘, 2019. 工業工程結合AI 可降低原料採購成本、提高養魚效能,聯合報 記者即時報導。(in Chinese)

[4] 臺灣大學AI嘉年華企劃, 蘇建翰, 2019. 智慧製造讓生活更加便利,臺灣大學AI嘉年華演講特稿。(in Chinese)

[3] Digitimes企劃, 2018. 善用資料科學方法論 數據應用成為製造業轉型良藥 . 物聯網/工業4.0,Digitimes新聞採訪。(in Chinese)

[2] 葉佳彬、孟慶慈, 2017. 當個教育工作者幸福又開心  李家岩穿梭理論與實務之間. 科技部106年吳大猷先生紀念獎,成大新聞中心採訪報導。(in Chinese)

[1] Fan, Hsian-Chuan (范賢娟), 2017. Economic Incentives for Environmental Protection (以經濟誘因推動環境保護).。Science Development (科學發展), 535, 74–75. (in Chinese) (一噸二氧化碳多少錢? Price of CO2) (一噸二氧化硫多少錢? Price of SO2)  (一噸氮氧化物多少錢?)

   Conference Papers/Proceedings/Presentations

[95] Hong, Tzu-Yen, Lu, Kuan-Chun (盧冠均), Chu, Chia-Fan (禇家帆), and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2024. Reinforcement Learning and Robust Optimization for T/C Balance of TFT-LCD Cell Process Scheduling in TFT-LCD Manufacturer  (強化學習與穩健最佳化建構T/C 平衡生產排程於面板組立製程). Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE2024), National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. (Best Paper Award) (Nov. 2024)

[94] Hung, Yu-Hsin, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2024. KDLIME: KNN-Kernel Density-Based Perturbation for Local Interpretability. ECML PKDD International Workshop on eXplainable Knowledge Discovery in Data Mining. September 9-13, 2024, Vilnius.

[93] Kang, Wei, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2024. Stochastic Capacity Planning with Most Productive Scale Size and Eco-Efficiency. 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (IEEE CASE 2024), August 28 – September 1, 2024, Bari, Italy.

[92] Hsu, Yun-Chia, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2024. Robust Ensemble Forecasting and Deep Reinforcement Learning for Energy Management of Islanded Microgrids. 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (IEEE CASE 2024), August 28 – September 1, 2024, Bari, Italy.

[91] Chen, Yenwen, Chu, Pin-Chi, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2024. Real Options for Maintenance Scheduling with Bearing Degradation in Panel Manufacturer. 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (IEEE CASE 2024), August 28 – September 1, 2024, Bari, Italy.

[90] Hsieh, Tsung-Ta (謝宗達), Hsiao, Jui Hsin (蕭瑞昕), Lee, Chia-Yen, 2024. Unsupervised Image Demoireing and Self-Consistent GAN for TFT-LCD Defect Detection (自洽式生成對抗網路於無監督圖像去噪以檢測面板缺陷). The 26th Decision Analysis Symposium (DAS 2024), National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, on Jan. 6, 2024. (Best Paper Award)

[89] Chen, Bo-Ru (陳柏儒), Li, Zong-Yang (李宗陽), Lee, Chia-Yen, 2023. Causal Inference and Policy Learning for Manufacturing Process Diagnosis (因果推論與政策學習於製程參數診斷). Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE2023), Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, on Dec. 9, 2023. (Best Paper Award)

[88] Huang, Yi-Tao (黃奕滔), Lu, Kuan-Chun (盧冠均), Lee, Chia-Yen, 2023. Deep Reinforcement Learning Embedded with Robust Optimization for Petrochemical Production Scheduling (穩健最佳化嵌入深度強化學習於化工廠生產排程). Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE2023), Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, on Dec. 9, 2023. (Best Paper Award)

[87] Chu, Pin-Chi (朱彬祺), Lai, I-Kai (賴毅愷), Lee, Chia-Yen, 2023. Real Options and PHM-based Maintenance Scheduling of Bearing Degradation (實質選擇權與基於健康預測的維修保養於軸承退化). 2023 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE2023), Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, on Dec. 9, 2023. (Best Paper Award)

[86] Lee, Chia-Yen, and Chen, Yen-Wen, 2023. Reinforcement Learning and Data Envelopment Analysis for Capacity Planning with Demand Volatility.  23rd Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System Conference AND The 26th Asia Pacific Division Meeting of The International Foundation for Production Research (APIEMS 2023), “Industrial Engineering Empowering Business Sustainability”, October 22nd - 26th, 2023, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA.

[85] Chiang, Tsai-Pin (江采嬪), and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2023. Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Electric Vehicle Charging Pricing. 2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Auckland, New Zealand, on August 26-30, 2023.

[84] Fang, Yu-Hsueh (方鈺學), and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2023. Measuring Data Completeness Using Information Theory: A Lowerbound of Conditional Entropy. 2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Auckland, New Zealand, on August 26-30, 2023.

[83] Hung, Chih-Yu (洪志宇), and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022。Semi-Supervised Learning Framework for Inline Bearing Diagnosis in Varying Speed (半監督式學習架構於變速下滾動軸承線上損壞檢測),中國機械工程學會第 39 屆全國學術研討會,Chinese Society of Mechnical Engineers(CSME) Conference, Dec. 2-3, 2022, 國立聯合大學, NUU, Miaoli, Taiwan. (First Place, Student Thesis Competition)

[82] Chang, Kai, Huang, Yi-Tao, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. Process and Sensor Anomaly Detection with Autoencoder-based Dynamic Control Limits. 2022 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE 2022), Nov. 11-13, 2022, National Quemoy University, Kinmen, Taiwan.

[81]  Chen, Bo-Ruand Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. A Health Indicator Monitoring Framework and Remaining Useful Life Estimation by Exponential Degradation Model. 2022 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE 2022), Nov. 11-13, 2022, National Quemoy University, Kinmen, Taiwan.

[80]  Fang, Yu-Hsueh, Lu, Hao-Chun Lu, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. The Minimax Error Piecewise Linearization on Area-Minimized Assortment Problem. 2022 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE 2022), Nov. 11-13, 2022, National Quemoy University, Kinmen, Taiwan.

[79]  Zhuang, Xin-Yu, Wang, I-Lin, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. A First and Last-Mile Delivery Problem in City Logistics by Crowd Shipping and Smart Lockers. 2022 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE 2022), Nov. 11-13, 2022, National Quemoy University, Kinmen, Taiwan.

[78]  Wu, Yen-Tung, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. Meta-Data Envelopment Analysis for Taiwan’s Life Insurance Industry. 2022 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE 2022), Nov. 11-13, 2022, National Quemoy University, Kinmen, Taiwan.

[77]  Song, Ting-Yuan, Chu, Pin-Chi, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. Deep Learning for Prognostic and Health Management. 2022 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE 2022), Nov. 11-13, 2022, National Quemoy University, Kinmen, Taiwan.

[76]  Shen, Hong-Ying, Hung, Yu-Hsin, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. Deep Reinforcement Learning Preventive Maintenance of Deteriorated Machine in a Flow Line. 2022 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE 2022), Nov. 11-13, 2022, National Quemoy University, Kinmen, Taiwan. (Best Paper Award)

[75]  Chiang, Tsai-Pin, and Chia-Yen Lee, 2022.Eco-Efficiency of Solid Waste Management in Taiwan Incinerators. 2022 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE 2022), Nov. 11-13, 2022, National Quemoy University, Kinmen, Taiwan.

[74]  Chang, Chih-Chun, Hsiao, Jui-Hsin, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. Chiller System Optimization with Meta-prediction-based simulation and Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning. 2022 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE 2022), Nov. 11-13, 2022, National Quemoy University, Kinmen, Taiwan. (Best Paper Award)

[73]  Lee, Chia-Yen, Lin, Yung-Lun, Lin, Shu-Hung, and Taho Yang, 2022. Material Quality System in Solar Cell Manufacturer. 2022 International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing Intelligence (ISMI 2022), Nov. 11-13, 2022, National Quemoy University, Kinmen, Taiwan.

[72] Lee, Chia-Yen, Ho, Chieh-Ying, Hung, Yu-Hsin, and Deng, Yu-Wen, 2022. Metaheuristic and Reinforcement Learning for Scheduling Optimization in the Petrochemical Industry. 2022 IEEE 18th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), August 20-24, 2022, Mexico City, Mexico.

[71] Shen, Po-Cheng, Lu, Meng-Xiu, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. Spatio-Temporal Fault Prognostic for Substrate Strip Map in the Semiconductor Assembly Process. 2022 IEEE 18th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), August 20-24, 2022, Mexico City, Mexico.

[70] Lu, Hsuan-Wen, Song, Ting-Yuan, Cheng, Yu-Ling, Kung, Ling-Chieh, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. Domain Adaptation Technique for Motion-based Prognostic and Health Management on Robot Arm. 27th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability & Quality in Design (RQD 2022), Virtual Conference, Aug. 4-6, 2022.

[69] Dai, S., Fang, Yu-Hsueh, Lee, Chia-Yen, and Kuosmanen, T., 2021. pyStoNED: A Python package for convex regression and frontier estimation. The 2021 International Conference of Annual Meeting of the Operations Research Society of Taiwan and 19th Conference on Sustainable Operation and Development, Dec. 10, 2021, Taichung, Taiwan. (Best Paper Award)

[68] Chen, Yen-Wen, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2021. Data Envelopment Analysis and Quantile Regression Deep Q-Network for Productivity Trajectory Optimization. 2021 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) Conference & Annual Meeting, Nov. 20, 2021, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan. (Best Paper Award)

[67] Wu, Tsung-Yu, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2021. Data Science and Conditional Value-at-Risk Reinforcement Learning for Crude Oil Price Forecasting and Procurement Optimization. 2021 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) Conference & Annual Meeting, Nov. 20, 2021, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.

[66] Teng, Yu-Wen, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2021. Preventive Maintenance for Petrochemical MFI-Production Scheduling. 2021 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) Conference & Annual Meeting, Nov. 20, 2021, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.

[65] Hung, I-Ting, Lee, Chia-Yen, Tsai, C.-H., and Wu, J.-M., 2021. On-line Health Assessment and Predictive Maintenance for Belt Drive System. 2021 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) Conference & Annual Meeting, Nov. 20, 2021, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.

[64] Lu, Hsuan-Wen, and Chia-Yen Lee, 2021. Kernel-Based Dynamic Ensemble Technique for Predictive Maintenance. 2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), August 23-27, 2021, Lyon, France.

[63] Hung, Yu-Hsin, Chia-Yen Lee, Ching-Hsiung Tsai, Yen-Ming Lu, 2020. Parameter Estimation and Process Control for Health Management in Mechanical System. 2020 IEEE 16th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Virtual Conference, 20-21 August 2020.

[62] Lin, Feng-Chi (林峰吉), Chin-Yi Tseng, Chia-Yen Lee, 2019. Heuristic Algorithms for Production Scheduling of Fastener Manufacturer (啟發式演算法於五金扣件製造商之生產排程). 2019 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) Conference & Annual Meeting, Nov. 23, 2019, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.

[61] Cheng, Yu-Hsiang (鄭宇翔), Chia-Yen Lee, and Jia-Ming Wu, 2019. Data Science for Friction Estimation and Compensation on CNC Machine (資料科學於CNC機台摩擦力估測與補償). 2019 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) Conference & Annual Meeting, Nov. 23, 2019, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.

[60] Lu, Hsuan-Wen (盧宣文), and  Chia-Yen Lee, 2019. Kernel-Density Dynamic Ensemble Technique for Predictive Maintenance (發展核密度動態集成技術於預測保養). 2019 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) Conference & Annual Meeting, Nov. 23, 2019, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.

[59] Chan, Jing-Jhe (詹京哲), and Chia-Yen Lee, 2019. Data Science Technique for Failure Diagnostic and Prognostic in Semiconductor Equipment (資料科學技術於半導體設備之故障診斷). The 2019 Annual Meeting of the Operations Research Society of Taiwan, Nov. 8, 2019, Central Police University, Taiwan.

[58] Ho, Chieh-Ying (何杰穎), and Chia-Yen Lee, 2019. Machine Learning for Production Scheduling in Petrochemistry Industry (以機器學習於石化工業生產排程之研究). The 2019 Annual Meeting of the Operations Research Society of Taiwan, Nov. 8, 2019, Central Police University, Taiwan.

[57] Lee, Chia-Yen, 2019. Pitfalls and Protocols of Data Science in Industry 3.5. Industry 3.5 International Symposium for Intelligent Manufacturing, Sept. 25-27. Hsinchu, Taiwan. (Best Presentation Award for AI & Computational Intelligence)

[56] Wu, Cheng-Man, & Chia-Yen Lee, 2019. Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for Lithography Scheduling in Semiconductor DRAM Fab. 2019 IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 22-26 August, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

[55] Jang, Bo-Kai, & Chia-Yen Lee, 2019. Unsupervised Learning Technique for Machine Tool Control Chart. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Smart Manufacturing, Industrial & Logistics Engineering (SMILE2019) & 2019 International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing Intelligence (ISMI2019), April 19-21, 2019, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.

[54] Lee, Chia-Yen, 2018. Nash Data Envelopment Analysis for Allocation of Emission Permit. 12th Asia-Pacific Productivity Conference 2018, July 4-6. Seoul, Korea.

[53] Tseng, Chin-Yi (曾蓁宜),  Cheng-Man Wu (吳承璊), Chia-Yen Lee, Shun-Chieh Lin, Yi-Lin Chiang, & Chih-Yu Chen, 2018. Efficient Heuristic Algorithm of Forward-and-backward Production Scheduling For Fastener Manufacturer. 2018 INFORMS International Conference, June 17-20, Taipei, Taiwan.

[52] Huang, Ting-Syun (黃亭勳), Chia-Yen Lee, Meng-Kun Liu, & Chen-Yang Lan, 2018. Data Mining For Time-series Bandwidth Signal Analysis of Electric Motor. 2018 INFORMS International Conference, June 17-20, Taipei, Taiwan.

[51] Jang, Bo-Kai (張博凱), & Chia-Yen Lee, 2018. , Quality System Implementation of Machine Tool using Data Mining and Statistical Quality Control Methods. 2018 INFORMS International Conference, June 17-20, Taipei, Taiwan.

[50] Bai-Jian Chou (周百建), & Chia-Yen Lee, 2018. Data Mining For Price Forecasting of Petrochemical Raw Material. 2018 INFORMS International Conference, June 17-20, Taipei, Taiwan.

[49] Lee, Chia-Yen, 2018. Nash Equilibrium in Data Envelopment Analysis. 2018 Data Envelopment Analysis International Conference (DEAIC), June 14-16, Taipei, Taiwan.

[48] Chin-Yi Tseng (曾蓁宜), Chia-Yen Lee, 2017. Data Envelopment Analysis for Nash Equilibrium in Two-Level Electricity Market. The 2017 Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Efficiency and Productivity Association, Nov. 25, 2017, National Taiwan University, Taiwan.

[47] 蔡宗倫、黃敏信、李家岩、賴吾為,2017。資料科學於外科手術加護病房拔管預測與貝氏決策,中華民國重症醫學會第六屆第四次會員大會暨2017聯合學術年會,Oct. 21, 2017, 中國醫藥大學,台灣。

[46] Lee, Chia-Yen, 2017. Mixed-Strategy Nash Equilibrium in Data Envelopment Analysis. The 2017 Annual Meeting of the Operations Research Society of Taiwan, Oct. 14, 2017, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan.

[45] Jia-Ying Cai (蔡佳盈), Chin-Yi Tseng (曾蓁宜), and Ting-Syun Huang (黃亭勳), 2017. Work Study and Simulation Optimization of Supply-Demand Balancing in the Moth Orchid Plant Factory. The 27th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM2017), Jun. 27-30, Modena, Italy. (Best Student Paper Award, the 27th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM2017) 榮獲2017彈性自動化與智慧製造國際研討會最佳學生論文獎)

[44] Tsung-Lun Tsai (蔡宗倫), and Chia-Yen Lee, 2017. Data Mining for Yield Improvement of Photo Spacer Process in Color Filter Manufacturing. The 27th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM2017), Jun. 27-30, Modena, Italy.

[43] Shao-Yen Hung (洪紹嚴), Yung-Lun Lin (林永倫), and Chia-Yen Lee, 2017. Data Mining for Delamination Diagnosis in the Semiconductor Assembly Process. The 27th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM2017), Jun. 27-30, Modena, Italy.

[42] Zhao-Hong Dong (董昭宏), Bo-Kai Jang (張博凱), and Chia-Yen Lee, 2017. Equipment Health Monitoring in the Semiconductor Assembly Process. The 27th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM2017), Jun. 27-30, Modena, Italy.

[41] Cai, Jia-Ying (蔡佳盈), Chia-Yen Lee, 2016. LASSO Variable Selection Techniques in Data Envelopment Analysis. The 17th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS2016), Dec. 7-10, 2016, Taipei, Taiwan. (Best Student Paper Award, 榮獲2016亞太工業工程與管理系統研討會 最佳學生論文獎)

[40] Lee, Chia-Yen, 2016. Nash Marginal Abatement Cost Estimation of Air Pollution Emissions by Stochastic Semi-Nonparametric Frontier in the Coal-Fired Power Industry. The 17th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS2016), Dec. 7-10, 2016, Taipei, Taiwan. (Best Practice Paper Award, 榮獲2016亞太工業工程與管理系統研討會 最佳實務論文獎 優勝)

[39] Lee, Chia-Yen and Ho-Chien Chang (張和健), 2016. The Case of Taiwan’s TFT-LCD Industry: Roadmap for a Successful Grand Alliance.  The 2016 International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing Intelligence(ISMI2016) , Aug. 7-10, 2016, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

[38] Lee, Chia-Yen, 2016. Nash Marginal Abatement Cost of Undesirable Outputs in Oligopolistic Market. The Asia-Pacific Productivity Conference (APPC2016), July 7-10 at Nankai University in Tianjin, China.

[37] Lee, Chia-Yen, 2016. Data Envelopment Analysis for Effectiveness Measure and Marginal Abatement Cost Estimation in the Power System Industry. Data Envelopment Analysis International Conference (DEAIC2016), July 2-5 at Nanjing Audit University, Nanjing, China.

[36] Lee, Chia-Yen, 2016. Nash Efficiency Estimation in Natural Gas and Oil Market of New York State in 1980s. The Seventh POMS-HK (Production and Operations Management Society - Hong Kong) International Conference (Jan. 9, 2016), University of Macau, Macau.

[35] Johnson, A. L., and Chia-Yen Lee, 2015. Predictive Efficiency Analysis: A study of U.S. Hospitals. Workshop 2015 -Advances in DEA Theory and Applications with Extensions to Forecasting Models (Dec. 1, 2015), National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Japan.

[34] Wu, Min-You (吳民友) and Chia-Yen Lee, 2015. Sampling-based NSGA-II for Stochastic Scheduling in Auto Parts Manufacturer (抽樣多目標遺傳演算法於汽車零組件製造商之隨機排程最佳化). 2015 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) Conference & Annual Meeting, Taichung, Taiwan. (榮獲2016全國工業工程與管理碩士論文競賽 作業研究組 優勝)

[33] Sun, Wei-Chun (孫維君) and Chia-Yen Lee, 2015. Biodiesel Economic Evaluation and Biomass Global Supply Chain Stochastic Optimization (生質柴油經濟效益評估與生物質全球供應鏈隨機最佳化). 2015 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) Conference & Annual Meeting, Taichung, Taiwan. (Best Paper Award,2015中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會最佳論文獎)

[32] Lin, Yung-Lun (林永倫) and Chia-Yen Lee, 2015. Optimal Computing Budget Allocation for Virtual Material Quality Investigation (以最佳模擬預算分配法發展虛擬物料品質檢測系統). 2015 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE). (榮獲2016全國工業工程與管理碩士論文競賽 生產系統組 優勝)

[31] Zeng, Jun-Hua (曾俊樺), Chia-Yen Lee, Sheng-Yu Lee (李聖玉), Po-Hsiu Kuo (郭柏秀), Ru-Band Lu (陸汝斌), 2015. Data Mining for Genome-Wide Association Studies: An Empirical Study of Han-Chinese Patients with Bipolar Disorder (資料探勘技術於全基因組關聯研究-以漢族雙極症疾患為例). 2015 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) Conference & Annual Meeting, Taichung, Taiwan. (榮獲國立成功大學105年度科林科技論文獎- 生物醫學獎)

[30] Liang, Chia-Lung (梁家隆), Chia-Yen Lee, 莊雅雯, 2015. Data Mining for Forecasting Printing and Reprint Decision in Educational Publishing Industry (以資料探勘與隨機規劃技術建構教育出版業印量預測與再版決策架構). 2015 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) Conference & Annual Meeting, Taichung, Taiwan. (榮獲2016全國工業工程與管理碩士論文競賽 實務個案組 優勝)

[29] Zeng, Jun-Hua (俊樺), 林順傑, Chia-Yen Lee (李家岩), 簡裕峰, 夏啟峻, 蔡煥文 and 葉峻賓. Three-Phase Automatic Fault Detection Technique for Time-Series Dataset (時間序列資料之三階段自動化錯誤偵測技術). The 2015 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2015), Nov. 20-22, 2015, Tainan City, Taiwan.

[28] Lee, Chia-Yen and Ming-Chien Chiang (江明建) (Aug. 2015). Aggregate Production Planning with Small Data in TFT-LCD Manufacturing. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (IEEE CASE 2015), Gothenburg, Sweden. (presentation-only)

[27] Lee, Chia-Yen (July 2015). An Introduction to Stochastic Nonparametric Envelopment of Data (StoNED). 2015 Taiwan Productivity and Efficiency Conference, Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan.

[26] Lee, Chia-Yen (May 2015). Capacity Dilemma: Economic Scale Size versus Demand Fulfillment. Production and Operations Management  Society (POMS) 26th Annual Conference, Washington D.C., U.S.A.

[25] Lee, Chia-Yen (Dec. 2014). Multiobjective Stochastic Programming and Production Economics for Addressing A Capacity Dilemma (以多目標隨機規劃與生產經濟學權衡產能困境). 2014 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. (Best Paper,2014中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會最佳論文獎)

[24] Chen, Bo-Syun and Chia-Yen Lee (Aug. 2014). MECE Variable Selection: an Example of Semiconductor Manufacturing. International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing Intelligence, Taipei, Taiwan. (Best Paper Award,2014國際半導體製造智慧模式與決策組最佳論文獎)

[23] Lee, Chia-Yen and P. Zhou (Jun. 2014). Marginal Abatement Cost Estimation of Air Pollution Emissions by Directional Marginal Productivity. North American Productivity Workshop (NAPW VIII), Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.

[22] Lee, Chia-Yen (Dec. 2013). Shadow Price Estimation of Air Pollution Emissions in Cap-and-Trade Regulation (估計空氣汙染之影子價格於碳排放總量管制與碳交易市場政策). 2013 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference, Pingtung, Taiwan. (Best Paper,2013中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會最佳論文獎)

[21] Liu, Wei-Yi, Chia-Yen Lee, T. Yang, J.-C. Lu (Sept. 2013). Simulation Model and Multi-Criteria Decision Making for Layout Design of Cellular Manufacturing in a Solar Cell Manufacturer. Joint Symposium of e-Manufacturing & Design Collaboration (eMDC) and International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing (ISSM), Hsinchu, Taiwan. (2013工業工程學會碩士論文競賽生產系統組佳作)

[20] Lin, Shu-Hung, Chia-Yen Lee, T. Yang, J.-C. Lu (Sept. 2013). Two-Phase Simulation Optimization for Vendor Selection and Order Allocation in a Solar Cell Manufacturer. Joint Symposium of e-Manufacturing & Design Collaboration (eMDC) and International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing (ISSM), Hsinchu, Taiwan. (2013中華民國管理科學學會供應鏈管理碩士論文獎優勝;2013工業工程學會碩士論文競賽生產系統組優勝)

[19] Lee, Chia-Yen (July 2013), “Directional Differential Characteristics of Efficient Frontier in Data Envelopment Analysis”, 2013 Taiwan Productivity and Efficiency Conference, National Taiwan University and Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan.

[18] Lee, Chia-Yen (Jun. 2013), “Multi-Product Differential Characteristics of Efficient Frontier in Data Envelopment Analysis”, The 13th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (EWEPA"13), Aalto University School of Business, Helsinki, Finland.

[17] Lee, Chia-Yen (Dec. 2012), “Multi-Product Differential Characteristics of Efficient Frontier in Data Envelopment Analysis”, 2012 the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) National Conference, Da-Yeh University, Changhua, Taiwan.

[16] Lee, Chia-Yen and A. L. Johnson (Aug. 2012), “Allocative Efficiency in an Oligopolistic Market: An example of Rational Inefficiency”, 10th International Conference on. Data Envelopment Analysis, Natal, Brazil.

[15] Lee, Chia-Yen and A. L. Johnson (July 2012), “Effectiveness: A Measure of Demand Effect in Productivity Analysis”, 2012 Taiwan Productivity and Efficiency Conference, National Taiwan University and Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan.

[14] Lee, Chia-Yen and A. L. Johnson (June 2012), “Allocative Efficiency in an Oligopolistic Market: An example of Rational Inefficiency”, North American Productivity Workshop (NAPW) VII, Rice University, Houston, Texas.

[13] Lee, Chia-Yen and A. L. Johnson (Feb. 2012), “Allocative Efficiency in an Oligopolistic Market: An example of Rational Inefficiency”, DEA Symposium 2012, Seikei University, Musashino-shi, Tokyo, Japan.

[12] Lee, Chia-Yen and A. L. Johnson (Nov. 2011), “Proactive Data Envelopment Analysis: Effective Production in Stochastic Environments”, Decision Sciences Institute 42nd Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts.

[11] Lee, Chia-Yen, A. L. Johnson, E. Moreno-Centeno, and T. Kuosmanen (Nov. 2011), “An Efficient Algorithm for Convex Nonparametric Least Squares”, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina.

[10] Lee, Chia-Yen and A. L. Johnson (Nov. 2011), “Proactive Data Envelopment Analysis: Effective Production in Stochastic Environments”, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina.

[9] Lee, Chia-Yen and A. L. Johnson (Nov. 2011), “A Nash-Cournot Oligopolistic Market Equilibrium in Productivity Analysis”, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina.

[8] Lee, Chia-Yen and A. L. Johnson (Jan. 2011), "Measuring Demand, Capacity and Profitability Efficiency Change", presented at DEA Interest Group of the Japanese Operations Research Society, Tokyo, Japan.

[7] Lee, Chia-Yen and A. L. Johnson (Nov. 2010), “A Decomposition of Productivity Change in the Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry”, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas.

[6] Lee, Chia-Yen and A. L. Johnson (June 2010), “Measuring Demand, Capacity and Profitability Efficiency Change”, North American Productivity Workshop (NAPW), Rice University, Houston, Texas.

[5] Liao, J., Chia-Yen Lee, J. Zheng, C. Chien, and A. Hsu (Dec. 2007), “A Decision Support System for New Fab Scheduling in Semiconductor Manufacturing”, The 8th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management System and 2007 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

[4] Chien, C., Chia-Yen Lee, and W. Wu (Feb. 2007), “An Efficient Computational Procedure for Determining the Container Loading Pattern”, 2007 International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing & Logistics Systems, Kitakyushu, Japan.

[3] Lee, Chia-Yen, Chen-Fu Chien, C. Chen, E. Chiang, C. Chien, F. Tseng, C. Lin, W. Chou and S. Wang (Dec. 2005), “Modeling and Simulation Analysis for Capacity Planning Evaluation for TFT-LCD Fab Expansion and An Empirical Study”, the 2005 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) National Conference, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

[2] Lee, Chia-Yen and Chen-Fu Chien (Oct. 2005), “A Decision Support System for Multiple Container Loading in Global Logistics of Automobile Industry”, The 3th Distribution and Global Logistics Paper Conference, National Taichung Institute of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan.

[1] Shen, C., Chia-Yen Lee, L. Ko (Jan. 2005), “Measuring the Efficiency of Foodstuff Industry in Taiwan by Data Envelopment Analysis”, The 9th Decision Analysis Conference, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.