Chia-Yen Lee  李家岩

  Ph.D., Industrial and Systems Engineering, Texas A&M University, U.S.A.
  美國,德州農工大學,工業與系統工程博士 (主修作業研究/運籌學)

  Professor 教授

  Chau-Shi Wong Chair 臺灣大學管理學院翁肇喜先生講座
  Shu-Syun Chen Chair 中國工業工程學會陳樹勛先生講座
  IEEE Senior Memeber
  Dept. of Information Management 資訊管理學系
  National Taiwan University, Taiwan 國立臺灣大學,臺灣

  Office: Management Building II, Room 711 (
臺灣大學管理學院管理二館 711室)
  Tel:+886-2-33661206    Fax:+886-2-33661199
  Mailing Address: No.1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei City 106, Taiwan(R.O.C).
            (台北市羅斯福路四段一號 臺灣大學管理學院管理一館
  Email: Send an email to Chia-Yen
  NTU Scholars


Optimization-Guided Learning (OGL) (ppt, pdf)

歐洲行、實問虛答與學術訓練(劍氣之爭) (ppt, pdf)

人工智慧與景氣循環 (AI and Economic Cycle) (ppt, pdf)

一步一腳印、更認識自己(Step-by-Step to Know Myself) (ppt, pdf)

智慧製造與生產線上的資料科學(Manufacturing Data Science)  (ppt, pdf)

Beyond the Prediction (預測之外:跨越預測與決策間的鴻溝) (ppt, pdf)

Think Like a Data Scientist (數據科學思考與實證研究) (ppt, pdf)

系統思考與系統化分析(Systematic Thinking) (ppt, pdf)

成功者的邏輯三探 (Logic of Winner 3) 

成功者的邏輯再探 (Logic of Winner 2)

成功者的邏輯初探 (Logic of Winner 1)

"Positive to everything in actions; grateful to everyone in minds." - motto

"樂觀進取,凡事感恩"  - 座右銘


        Dr. Chia-Yen Lee is currently Professor in the Department of Information Management (資訊管理學系), Natoinal Taiwan University (國立台灣大學), Taiwan. He have been Director and Professor in the Institute of Manufacturing Information and Systems (IMIS, 製造資訊與系統研究所), Deputy Chair in the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE, 資訊工程系), and Joint Appointment in the Engineering Management Graduate Program (EMGP, 工學院工程管理碩士在職專班) at National Cheng Kung University (國立成功大學), Taiwan. He received the B.S. in Mathematical Sciences and B.B.A. in Management Information Systems in National Chengchi University, Taiwan, 2002, the M.S. in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management at National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, 2006, and Ph.D. degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering at Texas A&M University, USA, 2012. He had served as an industrial engineer in Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (tsmc, 台積電). He is Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSM), and have been Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (TASE) and Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal.

  • Research Interests
    • Optimization/ Operations Research/ Management Science (最佳化/ 作業研究/ 管理科學)
    • Manufacturing Data Science (製造數據科學) / Data Mining (資料探勘)
    • Stochastic Optimization (隨機最佳化)/ Multi-Objective Decision Analysis (多目標決策分析)
    • Cap-and-Trade (碳交易) / Allocation and Emission Permits (碳權分配)
  • Applications
    • Semiconductor Manufacturing, Assembly and Testing, TFT-LCD (半導體製造、封裝與測試、液晶面板)
    • Petrochemical, Machine Tool, Fastener, Mobile Parts, Publisher, Plant Factory  (化學工業、工具機、五金扣件、汽車零組件、教育出版、植物工廠)
      • Demand Forecast and Robust Capacity Planning (需求預測與穩健產能規劃)
      • Stochastic Scheduling Optimization (隨機排程最佳化)
      • Engineering Feature Selection and Yield Prediction (工程參數篩選與良率預測)
      • Predictive Maintenance and Remaining Useful Life Estimation (預測保養與零組件壽命預測)
    • Energy, Environment, and Sustainability (能源、環境與永續)
      • Energy Economics and Efficiency Analysis (能源經濟與效率分析)
      • Carbon Emissions and Marginal Abatement Costs (碳抵換、碳排放與邊際減排成本)
      • Allocation of Emission Permits (排放權配置)

Work Experience

2020-Now: Professor, Department of Information Management, National Taiwan University (NTU), Taiwan.

2024-2025: Deputy Director, Integrated & Intelligent Planning Division, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (tsmc), Hsinchu, Taiwan.

2018-Now: Lecturer, Taiwan AI Academy, Program for Business Manager 台灣人工智慧學校經理人班, (台北、台中、南部).
                                    Chairman & CEO Program: Strategy, Governance, and Case Studies AI策略治理與案例分析董總專班(製造業).

2023-2025: Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSM).

2023-2024: Council Member (理事), 中國工業工程學會 (Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers), Taiwan.

2022-2023: 第27屆國家品質獎評審小組委員,經濟部。

2021-2024: PI,Cyber-Physical Intelligent Diagnosis, Augmented Reality, and Predictive Maintenance System
                   學門主題式計畫-智能設備診斷補償、擴增實境與預測保養系統 (MOST 111-2221-E-002-197)

2020-2022: Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (TASE).

2020-2022: 子學門召集人, 工業工程與管理學門- 大數據分析與資訊系統 (Subconvener, Big Data Analytics and Information System Subprogram, Industrial Engineering and Management Program, Ministry of Science & Technology, Taiwan)

2021-2022: Secretary-General (秘書長), 中國工業工程學會 (Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers), Taiwan.

2022-Now: Consultant (顧問), AutoML Start-up,  ProfetAI (杰倫智能科技), Taiwan. (News: English中文, 日本語)

2018-Now: Consultant (顧問), Intelligent Manufacturing Center (智慧製造中心) in Winbond (華邦電子), Taiwan.

2021-2022: Intelligent Scheduling Consultant (智慧排程顧問), Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (電腦整合製造) in AUO (友達光電), Taiwan.

2021-Now: 新興技術專家顧問, 工業局半導體產業人才創能加值計畫.

2021-Now: PI,Cyber-Physical Intelligent Diagnosis, Augmented Reality, and Predictive Maintenance System (2021-2024)

2020-2021: Council Member (理事), Operations Research Society of Taiwan, ORSTW 台灣作業研究學會.

2018-2020: Director 所長, Institute of Manufacturing Information and Systems, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan.

2019-2020: Professor, Institute of Manufacturing Information and Systems, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan.

2019-2020: Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan.

2019-2020: Professor, Engineering Management Graduate Program (EMGP), NCKU, Taiwan.

2019-2020:  National Expert (Taiwan), Assessment of Smart Manufacturing and Needs of Member Countries.
                   Research Coordination Meeting of Asian Productivity Organization (APO).

2016-2019: Associate Editor, Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal.

2018-2019: Deputy Secretary-General (副秘書長), Operations Research Society of Taiwan, ORSTW 台灣作業研究學會.

2016-2019: Associate Professor, Institute of Manufacturing Information and Systems, Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, & Engineering Management Graduate Program, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan.

2016-2018: Co-PIIC STEP Consortium: Big Data Analytics, Resource Management Optimization, and Smart Production Technologies

2014-2016: Co-PISemiconductor Technologies Empowerment Partners Consortium: Big Data Analytics and Optimization Technologies

2012-2016: Assistant Professor, Institute of Manufacturing Information and Systems, Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, & Engineering Management Graduate Program, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan.

2014-2015: Assistant Research Fellow, Research Center for Energy Technology and Strategy (RCETS), NCKU, Taiwan.

2009-2012: Instructor/ Research Assistant, Texas A&M University (TAMU), College Station, Texas, USA.

2006-2008: Industrial Engineering Engineer, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (tsmc), Hsinchu, Taiwan.

2004-2006: Research/ Teaching/ PC Lab Assistant, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

2002-2004: Information and Computer Officer/Lieutenant, Infantry Command Division, Army, Taiwan.

Honor & Awards

[46] University English Teaching Excellence Award, 國立台灣大學112學年「校英語優良教師」, National Taiwan University (2024)

[45] College Teaching Excellence Award, 國立台灣大學112學年「院教學優良獎」, National Taiwan University (2024)

[44] Industrial Engineering Award (工業工程獎章), 中國工業工程學會Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE). (Dec. 2023).

[43] 台灣人工智慧學校校務長蔡明順推薦2023年AI主題書單-「製造數據科學」 (Dec. 2023) (Facebook) (Book)

[42] College Teaching Excellence Award, 國立台灣大學111學年「院教學優良獎」, National Taiwan University (Sept. 2023)

[41] Shu-Syun Chen Chair 中國工業工程學會陳樹勛先生紀念講座, Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE). (Nov. 2022) (News)

[40] Chau-Shi Wong Chair 國立台灣大學管理學院翁肇喜先生講座, College of Management, NTU-Mercuries & Associates, LTD. (Aug. 2022) (News)

[39] Outstanding Young Scholar Grants (科技部優秀年輕學者研究計畫), Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. (Aug. 2022)

[38] Outstanding Research Award, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (科技部110年傑出研究獎) (Feb. 2022)

[37] Faith, Hope and Love of Scholars in College of Management, 管理學院信望愛研究學者, NTU-Fubon Financial Holding Co. Chairman (台灣大學-富邦金控董事長) (Aug. 2021)

[36] IEEE Senior Member, IEEE. (Apr. 2021)

[35] Top 20 Most Productive Authors published the highest amount of papers on data science and productivity, from 2005 to 2020. (Jan. 2021)

[34] Feng-Zhang Lu Memorial Medal (呂鳳章先生紀念獎章), Chinese Management Association (社團法人中華民國管理科學學會). (Dec. 2019)

[33] Certification of Appreciation, 台達講座獎勵, 財團法人成電文教基金會 (Nov. 2019; Nov. 2020; Nov. 2021)

[32] Best Presentation for AI & Computational Intelligence, Industry 3.5 International Symposium for Intelligent Manufacturing (Sept. 2019)

[31] Micron Teacher Award (美光教師獎), Micron Technology/ Micron Foundation (美光科技公司/美光基金會) (Oct. 2018)

[30] Teaching Excellence Award, 國立成功大學106學年度教學優良教師, National Cheng Kung University (Sept. 2018)

[29] Kwoh-Ting Li Technology & Literature Lectureships Award of Distinguished Young Scholars (李國鼎研究獎), 李國鼎科技與人文講座, NCKU-Delta Electronics (成功大學-台達電子工業股份有限公司). (July. 2018) (News)

[28] Ta-You Wu Memorial Award of Distinguished Young Scholars (科技部106年吳大猷先生紀念獎, 杰青), Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. (Dec. 2017).

[27] Young Scholar Innovative Research, Honorable Mention (臺灣綜合大學系統「年輕學者創新研發成果」佳作), Taiwan Comprehensive University System, TCUS. (Dec. 2017).

[26] Certificate of Outstanding Reviewer in the journal- European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier. (Nov. 2017)

[25] Outstanding Young Scholar Grants (科技部優秀年輕學者研究計畫), Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. (Aug. 2017)

[24] Best Practice Paper Award (First Prize), The 17th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS) .(Dec. 2016)

[23] Outstanding Young Industrial Engineer Award (優秀青年工業工程師獎), Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE). (Dec. 2016).

[22] Certificate of Outstanding Reviewer in the journal- Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier. (Nov. 2016)

[21] Best Industry-University Research Award (科技部工程司產學成果優良獎), Ministry of Science and Technology. (Nov. 2016)

[20] Certificate of Outstanding Reviewer in the journal- Computers & Industrial Engineering, Elsevier. (Nov. 2015)

[19] High Quality Paper Grant (高品質論文獎助), National Cheng Kung University. (May 2015; Jun. 2013)

[18] Rising Star Research Grants (「明日之星」研究獎助), National Cheng Kung University. (Mar. 2015; Mar. 2014)

[17] Best Paper Award of Optimization Modelling, 2014 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) Conference. (Dec. 2014)

[16] Outstanding Young Scholar Grants (科技部優秀年輕學者研究計畫), Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. (Aug. 2014)

[15] Best Paper Award of Low-Carbon Economy, 2013 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) Conference. (Dec. 2013)

[14] Summa Cum Laude of the national INFORMS Student Chapter Annual Award by Chapters/Fora Committee. (Nov. 2012)

[13] Appreciation Award from INFORMS Student Chapter at TAMU (Apr. 2012)

[12] Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges for 2011-2012 recognized by Texas A&M (April 2012)

        (2011-2012美國大學學生名人錄, 10 selected from graduate students in TAMU)

[11] Nominated for Distinguished Graduate Student Award for Excellence in Research by ISE Dept. of TAMU. (Mar. 2012)

[10] Certificate of Appreciation from INFORMS Student Chapter at TAMU (Dec. 2011)

[9] Certificate of Appreciation from Taiwan Student Association at TAMU (May 2010)

[8] Texas Engineering Experiment Station (TEES) Fellowship (2009-2012)

[7] Magna Cum Laude (third place) Innovation Award from Corporate Planning Organization at Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (tsmc) (Jan. 2008)

[6] 2007 Top 10% Outstanding Annual Performance at Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (tsmc) (Jan. 2008)

[5] Honorary Award given by Army Reserved Forces of Taiwan (Oct. 2007)

[4] Master Thesis Award of 2006 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) (中國工業工程學會論文獎) (Dec. 2006)

[3] Master Thesis Award (second place) of Operations Research Society of Taiwan (台灣作業研究學會論文獎) (Nov. 2006)

[2] DHL Worldwide Express Master Thesis Award in Supply Chain Management (供應鏈管理論文獎) (Oct. 2006)

[1] Magna Cum Laude (third place) of Mathematical Sciences Department at National Chengchi University (June 2002)

Student's Honor & Awards

[49] Hong, Tzu-Yen, Lu, Kuan-Chun (盧冠均), Chu, Chia-Fan (禇家帆), and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2024. Reinforcement Learning and Robust Optimization for T/C Balance of TFT-LCD Cell Process Scheduling in TFT-LCD Manufacturer  (強化學習與穩健最佳化建構T/C 平衡生產排程於面板組立製程). Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE2024), National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. (Best Paper Award) (Nov. 2024)
榮獲2024中國工業工程年會暨學術研討會 最佳論文獎!

[48] Hsu, Yun-Chia (許芸嘉), Hong, Rui-Qian (洪睿謙), and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2024. Robust Ensemble Forecasting and Deep Reinforcement Learning for Energy Management of Islanded Microgrids (穩健集成預測與深度強化學習於孤島微電網能源管理). Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE2024), National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. (Best Paper Award) (Nov. 2024)
榮獲2024中國工業工程年會暨學術研討會 最佳論文獎!

[47] Yun-Chia Hsu (許芸嘉)
Master Thesis Award in Operations Research Society of Taiwan (Nov. 2024)
榮獲台灣作業研究學會2024年碩士論文競賽 優勝!
Robust Ensemble Forecasting and Deep Reinforcement Learning for Energy Management of Islanded Microgrids

[46] Hung, I-Ting (洪翊庭), Lee, Chia-Yen, Chen, Yen-Wen (陳彥彣), Tsai, Ching-Hsiung, Wu Jia-Ming. 2024. Friction-based on-line health assessment and predictive maintenance for belt drive system. Proceedings of FAIM2024, June 23–26, 2024, Taichung, TAIWAN. (Third Prize Best Paper Award, the 33th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM2024) 榮獲2024彈性自動化與智慧製造國際研討會最佳論文獎第三名)

[45]Hsieh, Tsung-Ta (謝宗達), Hsiao, Jui Hsin (蕭瑞昕), Lee, Chia-Yen, 2024. Unsupervised Image Demoireing and Self-Consistent GAN for TFT-LCD Defect Detection (自洽式生成對抗網路於無監督圖像去噪以檢測面板缺陷). The 26st Decision Analysis Symposium (DAS 2024), National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, on Jan. 6, 2024. (Best Paper Award)
榮獲2024決策分析研討會 最佳論文獎!

[44] Chen, Bo-Ru (陳柏儒), Li, Zong-Yang (李宗陽), Lee, Chia-Yen, 2023. Causal Inference and Policy Learning for Manufacturing Process Diagnosis (因果推論與政策學習於製程參數診斷). Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE2023), Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan. (Best Paper Award) (Dec. 2023)
榮獲2023中國工業工程年會暨學術研討會 最佳論文獎!

[43] Huang, Yi-Tao (黃奕滔), Lu, Kuan-Chun (盧冠均), Lee, Chia-Yen, 2023. Deep Reinforcement Learning Embedded with Robust Optimization for Petrochemical Production Scheduling (穩健最佳化嵌入深度強化學習於化工廠生產排程). Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE2023), Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan. (Best Paper Award) (Dec. 2023)
榮獲2023中國工業工程年會暨學術研討會 最佳論文獎!

[42] Chu, Pin-Chi (朱彬祺), Lai, I-Kai (賴毅愷), Lee, Chia-Yen, 2023. Real Options and PHM-based Maintenance Scheduling of Bearing Degradation (實質選擇權與基於健康預測的維修保養於軸承退化). 2023 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE2023), Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan. (Best Paper Award) (Dec. 2023)
榮獲2023中國工業工程年會暨學術研討會 最佳論文獎!

[41] Zhuang, Xin-Yu (莊芯瑜)- Master Thesis Award at Operations Research Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) (June 2023) 榮獲中國工業工程學會碩士論文獎 [作業研究組] 優勝!
Transshipment Network Optimization for Shared Smart Locker and Crowd-shipping in Metropolis

[40] Hung, Chih-Yu (洪志宇)
Summa Cum Laude (First Place), Student Thesis Competition of Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers (CSME) Conference.
榮獲中國機械工程學會全國學術研討會學生論文競賽 第一名!
Hung, Chih-Yu (洪志宇), and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. Semi-Supervised Learning Framework for Inline Bearing Diagnosis in Varying Speed (半監督式學習架構於變速下滾動軸承線上損壞檢測). 中國機械工程學會第 39 屆全國學術研討會,Chinese Society of Mechnical Engineers(CSME) Conference, Dec. 2-3, 2022, 國立聯合大學, NUU, Miaoli, Taiwan.

[39] Yu-Hsueh Fang (方鈺學)
Honorable Mention of Master Thesis Award in Operations Research Society of Taiwan (Dec.2022)
榮獲台灣作業研究學會2022年碩博士論文競賽 佳作!
Flattened Minimax Error Piecewise Linearization on Multidimensional Assortment Problem

[38] Chang, Chih-Chun (張智鈞), Hsiao, Jui-Hsin (蕭瑞昕), and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. Chiller System Optimization with Meta-prediction-based simulation and Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning. 2022 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE 2022), National Quemoy University, Kinmen, Taiwan. (Best Paper Award)
榮獲2022中國工業工程年會暨學術研討會 最佳論文獎!

[37] Shen, Hong-Ying (沈宏頴), Hung, Yu-Hsin (洪佑鑫), and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. Deep Reinforcement Learning Preventive Maintenance of Deteriorated Machine in a Flow Line. 2022 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE 2022), National Quemoy University, Kinmen, Taiwan. (Best Paper Award)
榮獲2022中國工業工程年會暨學術研討會 最佳論文獎!

[36] 林大禾、康崴、許芸嘉、黃季昕、盧冠均
      Honorable. Mention, University Project Competition of 2022 Operations Research Society of Taiwan (June 2022)
      2022台灣作業研究學會大專校院專題競賽 決策支援與資訊系統組 佳作
      Dynamic Pricing for Delivery Platform: Pricing Strategy Optimization by Reinforcement Learning

[35] 方鈺學 (Yu-Hsueh Fang)
Best Paper Award, Operations Research Society of Taiwan (ORSTW) Conference & Annual Meeting (Dec.. 2021)
榮獲2021第十七屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨國際研討會及第19屆管理學術研討會-OR作業研究領域 優良論文!
pyStoNED: A Python Package for Convex Regression and Frontier Estimation

[34] 陳彥彣 (Yen-Wen Chen)
Best Paper Award, Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) Conference & Annual Meeting (Nov. 2021)
榮獲2021中國工業工程年會暨學術研討會 最佳論文獎!
Data Envelopment Analysis and Quantile Regression Deep Q-Network for Productivity Trajectory Optimization.

[33] 鄭淳仁(Chun-Jen Cheng)
Honorable Mention, Master Thesis Award at 2021 Service Science Society of Taiwan (Oct. 2021)
榮獲2021台灣服務科學學會學術研究獎 [碩士在職專班組] 佳作!
Reinforcement Learning to Develop Badminton Tactical System

[32] 鄭宇翔(Yu-Hsiang Cheng)
Master Thesis Award at Production System Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) (July 2020)
榮獲中國工業工程學會碩士論文獎 [生產系統組] 優勝!
Data Science for Friction Estimation and Compensation on Equipment Health Management of CNC Machine

[31] 何杰穎(Chieh-Ying Ho)
Master Thesis Award at Operations Research Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) (July 2020)
榮獲中國工業工程學會碩士論文獎 [作業研究組] 優勝!
Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm and Reinforcement Learning for Petrochemical MFI-Production Scheduling

[30] 沈柏丞(Po-Cheng Shen)
Master Thesis Award at Empirical Study Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) (July 2020)
榮獲中國工業工程學會碩士論文獎 [實務個案組] 優勝!
Deep Learning for Wafer Bin Map Recognition and  Quality Re-Inspection System

[29] 盧宣文(Hsuan-Wen Lu)
Honorable Mention of Master Thesis Award at Information System Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) (July 2020)
榮獲中國工業工程學會碩士論文獎 [資訊系統組] 佳作!
Kernel-Density Dynamic Ensemble Technique for Predictive Maintenance

[28] 謝宗達(Tsung-Ta Hsieh)
Honorable Mention of Master Thesis Award at Empirical Study Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) (July 2020)
榮獲中國工業工程學會碩士論文獎 [實務個案組] 佳作!
Image Recognition for Product Defect Inspection in the Panel Industry

[27] 方鈺學、歐子毓、何杰穎、林峰吉、鄧羽雯
 Topic: Decision Support System for Marginanl Abatement Costs of the Coal-fired Power Plants. 燃煤電廠邊際減排成本決策支援系統
 Award: 1st place, University Project Competition of 2020 Operations Research Society of Taiwan (June 2020)
 2020台灣作業研究學會大專校院專題競賽 資訊系統組 第一名

[26] Hung, Jeff Yu-Hsin (洪佑鑫)- Master Thesis Award at Production System Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) (June 2019) 洪佑鑫,榮獲中國工業工程學會碩士論文獎 [生產系統組] 優勝!

[25] Wu, Cheng-Man (吳承璊)- Master Thesis Award at Operations Research Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) (June 2019) 榮獲中國工業工程學會碩士論文獎 [作業研究組] 優勝!

[24] Wu, James Chao-Shian (吳昭賢)- Master Thesis Award at Information System Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) (June 2019) 榮獲中國工業工程學會碩士論文獎 [資訊系統組] 優勝!

[23] Chen, Wei-Chin (陳偉欽)- 2018 Fuboon Life Management Master Thesis Award
        2018富邦人壽管理碩士論文獎EMBA組 佳作 (Aug. 2018)

[22]  Tseng, Chin-Yi Tseng (曾蓁宜)- Master Thesis Award at Operations Research Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE)
      (July 2018)

[21] Chou, Bai-Jian (周百建)- Master Thesis Award at Information System Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE)
      (July 2018)

[20] Jang, Bo-Kai (張博凱)- Master Thesis Award Honorable Mention at Production System Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) (July 2018)

[19] Hung, Shao-Yen (洪紹嚴)- Master Thesis Award at Production System Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE)
      (July 2018)

[18] 張博凱(Bo-Kai John Jang)、曾蓁宜(Chin-Yi Tseng)、周百建(Bai-Jian Allan Chou)、黃亭勳(Ting-Syun Tommy Huang) (2018)
        Magna Cum Laude (third prize), 2017 Big Data Analytics Competition for Creative Insurance (國泰大數據保險創意挑戰賽).

[17] 洪佑鑫(Yu-Shin Jeff  Hung)、吳昭賢 (Chao-Shian James Wu)、吳承璊 (Cheng-Man Wu)、鄭宇翔(Yu-Siang Jacky Cheng) (2018)
        Honorable Mention, 2017 Big Data Analytics Competition for Creative Insurance (國泰大數據保險創意挑戰賽).

[16] Chou, Yi-Ren (周奕任)- Honorable Mention, Master Thesis Award at 2017 Service Science Society of Taiwan (Oct. 2017)

[15] Cai, Jia-Ying (蔡佳盈)- Best Student Paper Award, the 27th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent
       Manufacturing (FAIM2017) (June 2017)

[14] Dong, Zao-Hung (董昭宏)- Master Thesis Award Honorable Mention of Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE)
       (June 2017)

[13] Zeng, Jun-Hua (曾俊樺)- Master Thesis Award at Biomedical Sciences of Ke-Lin Technology 科林科技論文獎, Lam Research Corporation (Feb. 2017)

[12] 蔡宗倫(Tsung-Lun Lun Tsai)、董昭宏(Zao-Hung Henry Dong)、蔡佳盈(Jia-Ying Helen Cai)、洪紹嚴(Shao-Yen Hung) (2016)
        Magna Cum Laude (second prize), 2016 Big Data Analytics Competition for Semiconductor Manufacturing.

[11] 張博凱(Bo-Kai John Jang)、周百建(Bai-Jian Allan Chou)、曾蓁宜(Chin-Yi Tseng)、黃亭勳(Ting-Syun Tommy Huang)、
        洪佑鑫(Yu-Shin Jeff  Hung) (2016), Honorable Mention, 2016 Big Data Analytics Competition for Semiconductor Manufacturing.

[10] Cai, Jia-Ying (蔡佳盈)- Best Student Paper Award, The 17th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference
      (APIEMS) .(Dec. 2016

[9] Liang, Chia-Lung (梁家隆)- Master Thesis Award at Empirical Study Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE)
      (June 2016)

[8] Lin, Yung-Lun (林永倫)- Master Thesis Award at Production System Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE)
      (June 2016)

[7] Wu, Min-You (吳民友)- Master Thesis Award at Operations Research Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE)
      (June 2016)

[6] Zeng, Jun-Hua (曾俊樺), Shao-Yen Hung (洪紹嚴), Zhao-Hong Dong (董昭宏), Ji-Hong Lee, Chin-Yi Tseng- Honorable Mention,
      2015 Big Data Analytics for Semiconductor Manufacturing (Jan. 2016)

[5] Sun, Wei-Chun (孫維君)- Best Paper Award of Supply Chain Management, Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) Conference
      (Dec. 2015)

[4] Chen, Bo-Syun (陳柏勳)- Best Paper for Modeling & Decisions by International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing Intelligence
      (Aug. 2014)

[3] Lin, Shu-Hung (林書弘)- Master Thesis Award of Supply Chain Management by Chinese Management Association (Oct. 2013)

[2] Liu, Wei-Yi (劉韋億)- Master Thesis Award Honorable Mention of Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) (June 2013)

[1] Lin, Shu-Hung (林書弘)- Master Thesis Award of Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) (June 2013)