
      "People are like bicycles. They can keep their balance only as long as they keep moving."    - Albert Einstein

[1] 李家岩 (Chia-Yen Lee, Ph.D.)

Jottings / Sketches/ Notes/ Talk Sharing (In Chinese)

Jan. 26, 2024 成長與祝福

Nov. 13, 2023 大學適性教育的原點

Sept. 28, 2023 望與牽掛 (教師節感觸)

Jan. 19, 2023  男女大不同 (轉)

Jan. 02, 2023  在反省與許願之間

Dec. 28, 2022  快樂是可以練習的

Nov. 20, 2022  陳樹勛先生紀念講座

Sept. 28, 2022  望與包容 (教師節感觸)

May 25, 2022  大器綏猷、愛與羈絆

Jan. 21, 2022  內力外王的覺與悟

Oct. 17, 2022 「資」曉天下、「管」樂人生

Nov. 28, 2021  多目標與斜槓人生

Sept. 28, 2021  愛與信仰 (教師節感觸)

Jan. 22, 2021  更認識自己

Sept. 28, 2020  愛與無限大 (教師節感觸)

Aug. 22, 2020  抓大放小?

Jun. 01, 2020  數據科學小體會

Apr. 05, 2020  標竿學習的意涵

Feb. 08, 2020  「命」大不同

Jan. 31, 2020  企業興衰與管理科學初探

Jan. 05, 2020  教與學

Dec. 02, 2019  <幕僚的宿命>推薦序

Oct. 29, 2019  生與死的小自省

Sep. 28, 2019  愛與自律 (教師節感觸)

Aug. 16, 2019  成功者的邏輯三探

Jun. 01, 2019  所長的話 (與畢業生共勉)

Jun. 01, 2019  窮理致知 (與畢業生共勉)

May 13, 2019  文字的力量

Mar. 06, 2019  過程與結果

Sep. 28, 2018  愛與相信 (教師節感觸)

Sep. 13, 2018  論定位

July. 20, 2018  成功者的邏輯再探

Jun. 02, 2018  拙與誠 (與畢業生共勉)                

May 31, 2018  給職場新鮮人的期許與建議

Jan. 19, 2018  成功者的邏輯初探

Sep. 28, 2017  愛與謙卑 (教師節感觸)

Jul. 31, 2017  以學生為鏡

Jul. 07, 2017  讀書 vs. 學歷

Jun. 22, 2017  專家與專業

Jun. 04, 2017  送給畢業生的演奏 "Always With Me"

Sep. 28, 2016  愛與夢想 (教師節感觸)

Sep. 28, 2015  愛與羈絆 (教師節感觸)

Nov. 01, 2013  擰毛巾、搾成本

Jul. 26, 2013  人類,請休息一下。

Jun. 01, 2013  鵬程萬里、力不濟 (與畢業生共勉)

Oct. 14, 2008  欲練神功, 自廢武功!!??


[1] 林郁莉 (Lily Lin)

POLab Secretary-General (秘書長)

POLab Chief Financial Officer (財務長)

Expertise: Versatile and Multi-skill Assistant

專 長:萬能的~無所不能~~                                                                                                                                

  Ph.D. in IM, NTU

[3] 陳彥彣 (Yen-Wen Chen)


Rookie Camp Sharing: Inclusion of domain knowledge into deep neural networks

Individual Studies: Trust AI and human-centered data science

Teaching Assistant: Operations Research Applications (作業研究應用與實作)

Module Developer: High-frequency feature engineering technique for PHM

Award and Honor
國立臺灣大學博士生獎學金(椰林優秀博士生獎學金) 2023-2026

Research Assistant:
       Evaluation Scheme for Time-Series Feature Engineering
       (時間序列資料收集與特徵轉換之評分機制, 2022)
       Collaborator: Delta Electronics Inc. (台達電子工業股份有限公司)

Hung, I-Ting, Lee, Chia-Yen*, Chen, Yen-Wen, Tsai, Ching-Hsiung, Wu Jia-Ming. 2024. Friction-based on-line health assessment and predictive maintenance for belt drive system. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, A Springer book series. Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing: Manufacturing Innovation and Preparedness for the Changing World Order: Proceedings of FAIM2024, June 23–26, 2024, Taichung, TAIWAN. (Third Prize Best Paper Award, the 33th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM2024) 榮獲2024彈性自動化與智慧製造國際研討會最佳論文獎第三名)

[2] 方鈺學 (Yu-Hsueh Fang)


Individual Studies: Data Quality

Rookie Camp Sharing: Modern Optimization Issues, Implementation, and Algorithms(ADMM, AutoDiff, and Trust Region Newton Method)

Rookie Camp Sharing: Advanced Optimization Theory (eg. Predictive Optimization; distributed optimization)

Teaching Assistant: Data Strategist (數據參謀:思考的技術)

Award and Honor
國立臺灣大學博士生獎學金(椰林優秀博士生獎學金) 2022-2025

Research Assistant
       tsmc (台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司)
       CMIS Data Clean and Database System Reconstruction for Purchase Order Matching (2022)
       CMIS 資料清理與採購標單比對系統架構重構

Fang, Yu-Hsueh (方鈺學), Chiang, Tsai-Pin (江采嬪), Wu, Yen-Tung (吳延東), and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. Cap-and-Trade and Carbon Pricing (排放權交易與碳定價). In CIIE (中國工業工程學會) (eds), Sustainable Engineering and Management (永續工程與管理), 前程文化. (in Chinese)

Dai, S., Fang, Yu-Hsueh, Lee, Chia-Yen, Kuosmanen, T.*, 2024. pyStoNED: a python package for convex regression and frontier estimation. Journal of Statistical Software.

[1] 洪佑鑫 (Yu-Hsin Jeff  Hung)


Co-Founder: Manufacturing Digital Transformation Academy (製造數位轉型學院)

Product Developer: Raw Material Price Forecast and Procurement Optimization (原料價格預測與採購最佳化)

Module Developer: Time Series Forecast (時間序列預測)

Rookie Camp Sharing: Advanced XAI

Rookie Camp Sharing: XAI and Advanced Statistical Machine Learning (eg. Double ML)

Rookie Camp Sharing: Research Attitude and Guideline

Rookie Camp Sharing: Automatic Control, PSO, and Bayesian Optimization

Rookie Camp Sharing: Deep Reinforcement Learning

Individual Studies: Explainable AI and Nonparametric Regression

Teaching Assistant: Data Strategist (數據參謀:思考的技術)

Research Assistant:
       Evaluation Scheme for Time-Series Feature Engineering
       (時間序列資料收集與特徵轉換之評分機制, 2022)
       Collaborator: Delta Electronics Inc. (台達電子工業股份有限公司)

Journal Publication:
Hung, Yu-Hsin, and Lee, Chia-Yen*, 2024. BMB-LIME: LIME with Modeling Local Nonlinearity and Uncertainty in Explainability. Knowledge-Based Systems.

Hung, Yu-Hsin, Shen, Hong-Ying, and Lee, Chia-Yen*, 2024. Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Preventive Maintenance for Repairable Machines with Deterioration in a Flow Line System. Annals of Operations Research.

Lee, Chia-Yen*, Ho, Chieh-Ying, Hung, Yu-Hsin, and Deng, Yu-Wen, 2024. Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm Embedded with Reinforcement Learning for Petrochemical Melt-Flow-Index Production Scheduling. Applied Soft Computing. (NSTC112-2221-E-002-003)

Book Publication:
Lee, Chia-Yen, and Hung, Yu-Hsin, 2022. Manufacturing Data Science (製造數據科學). 前程文化. (in Chinese)

Book Chapter:
Lee, Chia-Yen, Hung, Yu-Hsin, and Chen, Yen-Wen, 2021. Hybrid data science and reinforcement learning in data envelopment analysis. In: Zhu, J. and Charles V. (eds), Data-Enabled Analytics: DEA for Big Data, International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, vol 312, Springer.

Award and Honor
國立臺灣大學博士生獎學金(椰林優秀博士生獎學金) 2021-2024

Shen, Hong-Ying, Hung, Yu-Hsin, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. Deep Reinforcement Learning Preventive Maintenance of Deteriorated Machine in a Flow Line. 2022 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE 2022), National Quemoy University, Kinmen, Taiwan. (Best Paper Award) 榮獲2022中國工業工程年會暨學術研討會 最佳論文獎!

Mentor, Dynamic Pricing on Food Delivery Platforms: A Reinforcement Learning Approach (外送平台之動態定價:應用強化學習的訂價策略)
Honorable. Mention, University Project Competition of 2022 Operations Research Society of Taiwan (June 2022)
2022台灣作業研究學會大專校院專題競賽 決策支援與資訊系統組 佳作

  Master in IM/GMBA, NTU

[26] 徐嘉妤 (Jia-Yu Hsu) (2024)


Rookie Camp Sharing: Deep Learning(CNN,RNN,LSTM)/ Spatio-Temporal Model/ BERT/ Transformer/ Attention

[25] 禇家帆 (Chia-Fan Chu) (2024)


Rookie Camp Sharing: Genetic Algorithm/ NAGA-II for Scheduling/ Dynamic Flexible Job Shop Scheduling

榮獲2024中國工業工程年會暨學術研討會 最佳論文獎!

Hong, Tzu-Yen, Lu, Kuan-Chun (盧冠均), Chu, Chia-Fan (禇家帆), and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2024. Reinforcement Learning and Robust Optimization for T/C Balance of TFT-LCD Cell Process Scheduling in TFT-LCD Manufacturer  (強化學習與穩健最佳化建構T/C 平衡生產排程於面板組立製程). Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE2024), National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. (Best Paper Award) (Nov. 2024)

[24] 孫敏恩 (Min-En Sun) (2024)


Rookie Camp Sharing: Deep Reinforcement Learning

[23] 徐浚凱 (Chun-Kai Jacky Hsu) (2024)


Rookie Camp Sharing: Computer Age Statistical  Inference

[22] 柯怡成 (Yi-Cheng Ke) (2024)


Rookie Camp Sharing: Nonparametric regression/ Nonparametric classification/ Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces/ Density estimation

[21] 符慧詩 (Lisa Angereni) (2023)


Scholarship: NTU Outstanding International Graduate Student Scholarship

Thesis: Sustainability and Waste Management in Indonesian Metal Packaging Industry: Evaluating the Transformation from Pallet Carton to Plastic Divider.

[20] 陳祖譽 (Welbey Prasadirta) (2023)


Individual Studies: Material Procurement Optimization

Rookie Camp Sharing: Distributional RL, CVaR, and Inventory Management

[19] 洪睿謙 (Rui-Qian Hong) (2023)


Individual Studies: Nonlinear Time-Series Feature Engineering

Rookie Camp Sharing: Deep Reinforcement Learning

      榮獲2024中國工業工程年會暨學術研討會 最佳論文獎!

Hsu, Yun-Chia (許芸嘉), Hong, Rui-Qian (洪睿謙), and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2024. Robust Ensemble Forecasting and Deep Reinforcement Learning for Energy Management of Islanded Microgrids (穩健集成預測與深度強化學習於孤島微電網能源管理). Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE2024), National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. (Best Paper Award) (Nov. 2024)

[18] 李宗陽 (Zong-Yang Li) (2023)


Individual Studies: Prognostics and Health Management (PHM)

Rookie Camp Sharing: Deep Learning(CNN,RNN,LSTM)/ Spatio-Temporal Model/ BERT/ Transformer/ Attention

榮獲2023中國工業工程年會暨學術研討會 最佳論文獎!

Chen, Bo-Ru (陳柏儒), Li, Zong-Yang (李宗陽), Lee, Chia-Yen, 2023. Causal Inference and Policy Learning for Manufacturing Process Diagnosis (因果推論與政策學習於製程參數診斷). Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE2023), Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, on Dec. 9, 2023. (Best Paper Award)

[17] 李郁恩 (Yu-En_Li) (2023)


Individual Studies: Semiconductor Packaging Spillover Quality Prediction

Rookie Camp Sharing: Explainable AI and Trust AI

[16] 賴毅愷 (I-Kai_Lai) (2023)


Individual Studies: Preventive Maintenance Scheduling

Rookie Camp Sharing: Genetic Algorithm/ NAGA-II for Scheduling/ Dynamic Flexible Job Shop Scheduling

榮獲2023中國工業工程年會暨學術研討會 最佳論文獎!

Chu, Pin-Chi (朱彬祺), Lai, I-Kai (賴毅愷), Lee, Chia-Yen, 2023. Real Options and PHM-based Maintenance Scheduling of Bearing Degradation (實質選擇權與基於健康預測的維修保養於軸承退化). 2023 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE2023), Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, on Dec. 9, 2023. (Best Paper Award)

[15] 許智堯 (Chih-Yao Hsu) (2022)


Individual Studies: Domain knowledge in deep learning

Rookie Camp Sharing: High-dimensional testing/Concentration of measure/Sparsity and the lasso/Graphical models

Rookie Camp Sharing: Advanced Process Control (APC)/ Run-to-Run (R2R)

Research Assistant:
       tsmc (台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司)
       CMIS Data Clean and Database System Reconstruction for Purchase Order Matching (2022)
       CMIS 資料清理與採購標單比對系統架構重構

[14] 許芸嘉 (Yun-Chia Hsu) (2022)


Individual Studies: Capacity planning and robust optimization for ensemble methods

Rookie Camp Sharing: Computer Age Statistical  Inference

Teaching Assistant: Manufacturing Data Science (製造數據科學)

Research Assistant:
       tsmc (台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司)
       CMIS Data Clean and Database System Reconstruction for Purchase Order Matching (2022)
       CMIS 資料清理與採購標單比對系統架構重構

      榮獲2024中國工業工程年會暨學術研討會 最佳論文獎!

      榮獲台灣作業研究學會2024年碩士論文競賽 優勝!
      Master Thesis Award in Operations Research Society of Taiwan (Nov. 2024)
      Robust Ensemble Forecasting and Deep Reinforcement Learning for Energy Management of Islanded Microgrids

      Dynamic Pricing for Delivery Platform: Pricing Strategy Optimization by Reinforcement Learning
      Honorable. Mention, University Project Competition of 2022 Operations Research Society of Taiwan (June 2022)
      2022台灣作業研究學會大專校院專題競賽 決策支援與資訊系統組 佳作

Hsu, Yun-Chia (許芸嘉), Hong, Rui-Qian (洪睿謙), and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2024. Robust Ensemble Forecasting and Deep Reinforcement Learning for Energy Management of Islanded Microgrids (穩健集成預測與深度強化學習於孤島微電網能源管理). Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE2024), National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. (Best Paper Award) (Nov. 2024)


[13] 康崴 (Wei Kang) (2022)


Individual Studies: Capacity planning, most productive scale size, and data envelopment analysis

Rookie Camp Sharing: Nonparametric regression/ Nonparametric classification/ Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces/ Density estimation

Rookie Camp Sharing: Multi-objective RL/ Distributional RL/ Conditional Value at Risk/QRDQN/Offline RL/採購模組

Teaching Assistant: Management Mathematics (管理數學)

Research Assistant:
       Evaluation Scheme for Time-Series Feature Engineering
       (時間序列資料收集與特徵轉換之評分機制, 2022)
       Collaborator: Delta Electronics Inc. (台達電子工業股份有限公司)

      Dynamic Pricing for Delivery Platform: Pricing Strategy Optimization by Reinforcement Learning
      Honorable. Mention, University Project Competition of 2022 Operations Research Society of Taiwan (June 2022)
      2022台灣作業研究學會大專校院專題競賽 決策支援與資訊系統組 佳作

[12] 盧冠均 (Kuan-Chun Lu) (2022)


Rookie Camp Sharing: Preventive Maintenance Scheduling

Rookie Camp Sharing: Monkey Algorithm/ Genetic Algorithm/ NAGA-II forr Scheduling/ Dynamic Flexible Job Shop Scheduling

Individual Studies: Reinforcement learning for dynamic flexible job shop scheduling

Teaching Assistant: Manufacturing Data Science (製造數據科學)

Research Assistant:
       AU Optronics Corp. (友達光電股份有限公司)
       An Optimal Tradeoff of Preventive Maintenance between Yield and Capacity in the Panel Manufacturer (2020)

       Intelligent Scheduling Optimization for Front-End of Cell Line in TFT-LCD Manufacturer
       Cell 前段(Feol)智慧排程最佳化研究計畫
       Collaborator: AU Optronics Corp. (友達光電)

       傑出教學助理,製造數據科學,2023(Fall), NTU

      榮獲2024中國工業工程年會暨學術研討會 最佳論文獎!

      榮獲2023中國工業工程年會暨學術研討會 最佳論文獎!

      Dynamic Pricing for Delivery Platform: Pricing Strategy Optimization by Reinforcement Learning
      Honorable. Mention, University Project Competition of 2022 Operations Research Society of Taiwan (June 2022)
      2022台灣作業研究學會大專校院專題競賽 決策支援與資訊系統組 佳作

Hong, Tzu-Yen, Lu, Kuan-Chun (盧冠均), Chu, Chia-Fan (禇家帆), and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2024. Reinforcement Learning and Robust Optimization for T/C Balance of TFT-LCD Cell Process Scheduling in TFT-LCD Manufacturer  (強化學習與穩健最佳化建構T/C 平衡生產排程於面板組立製程). Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE2024), National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. (Best Paper Award) (Nov. 2024)

Huang, Yi-Tao (黃奕滔), Lu, Kuan-Chun (盧冠均), Lee, Chia-Yen, 2023. Deep Reinforcement Learning Embedded with Robust Optimization for Petrochemical Production Scheduling (穩健最佳化嵌入深度強化學習於化工廠生產排程). Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE2023), Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, on Dec. 9, 2023. (Best Paper Award)

[11] 江采嬪 (Tsai-Pin Chiang) (2021)


Product Developer: Cap-and-Trade (排放權交易) and Carbon Pricing (碳定價)

Rookie Camp Sharing: Data Envelopment Analysis and Network DEA                                                                         

Rookie Camp Sharing: Deep Reinforcement Learning

Rookie Camp Sharing: Robust RL/ Distributional RL/ Conditional Value at Risk/QRDQN
Individual Studies: Reinforcement Learning for Data Envelopment Analysis

Teaching Assistant: Productivity and Efficiency Analysis (生產力與效率分析)

Start-up: Marginal Abatement Costs Database for Cap-and-Trade

Rearch Assistant:
       ASE Group (日月光半導體製造股份有限公司)
       Intelligent Preventive Maintenance Systems (2021)

       ASE Group (日月光半導體製造股份有限公司)
       Glue Spill Prediction and Predictive Maintenance in Semiconductor Assembly (2022)

Chiang, Tsai-Pin, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. Solid waste management for the eco-efficiency assessment of energy recovery from waste in incinerators. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 186, 106589.

Fang, Yu-Hsueh (方鈺學), Chiang, Tsai-Pin (江采嬪), Wu, Yen-Tung (吳延東), and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. Cap-and-Trade and Carbon Pricing (排放權交易與碳定價). In CIIE (中國工業工程學會) (eds), Sustainable Engineering and Management (永續工程與管理), 前程文化. (in Chinese)

[10] 莊芯瑜 (Xin-Yu Zhuang) (2021)

Rookie Camp Sharing: RO Math under uncertainty sets and second-order cone programming

Rookie Camp Sharing: Piecewise Linearization/Binary Variable Reduction/Benders Decomposition/Lagrangian Relaxation for Upper/Lower Bound
Rookie Camp Sharing: Scheduling: Theory, Algorithms, and Systems                                       
Individual Studies: Intelligent Container for Transshipment Logistic Optimization

Teaching Assistant: Manufacturing Data Science (製造數據科學)

Research Assistant:
       AU Optronics Corp. (友達光電股份有限公司)
       An Optimal Tradeoff of Preventive Maintenance between Yield and Capacity in the Panel Manufacturer (2020)

Transshipment Network Optimization for Shared Smart Locker and Crowd-shipping in Metropolis

Zhuang, Xin-Yu, Wang, I-Lin, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. A First and Last-Mile Delivery Problem in City Logistics by Crowd Shipping and Smart Lockers. 2022 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE 2022), Nov. 11-13, 2022, National Quemoy University, Kinmen, Taiwan.

Master Thesis Award at Operations Research Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) (June 2023) 榮獲中國工業工程學會碩士論文獎 [作業研究組] 優勝!

[9] 蕭瑞昕 (Jui-Hsin Hsiao) (2021)


Individual Studies: Deep learning for Mura defects

Module Developer: Time Series Forecast (時間序列預測)

Rookie Camp Sharing: few-shot learning, meta learning, Image Demoiring

Rookie Camp Sharing: Time Series Text Mining and Sentiment analysis of online news for oil price forecast/ Granger causality test

Rookie Camp Sharing: The Elements of Statistical Learning                                                                                           

Individual Studies: Time-Series Forecasting for Demand of Refrigeration Ton

Teaching Assistant: Management Mathematics (管理數學)

Research Assistant:
      Winbond (華邦電子)
      Optimization Algorithm for Chiller Energy Saving (2021)

       ASE Group (日月光半導體製造股份有限公司)
       Glue Spill Prediction and Predictive Maintenance in Semiconductor Assembly (2022)

Chang, Chih-Chun, Hsiao, Jui-Hsin, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. Chiller System Optimization with Meta-prediction-based simulation and Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning. 2022 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE 2022), National Quemoy University, Kinmen, Taiwan. (Best Paper Award)

Hsieh, Tsung-Ta (謝宗達), Hsiao, Jui Hsin (蕭瑞昕), Lee, Chia-Yen, 2024. Unsupervised Image Demoireing and Self-Consistent GAN for TFT-LCD Defect Detection (自洽式生成對抗網路於無監督圖像去噪以檢測面板缺陷). The 26st Decision Analysis Symposium (DAS 2024), National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, on Jan. 6, 2024. (Best Paper Award)

榮獲2022中國工業工程年會暨學術研討會 最佳論文獎!
榮獲2024決策分析研討會 最佳論文獎!

[8] 朱彬祺 (Pin-Chi Chu) (2021)


Rookie Camp Sharing: Computer Age Statistical  Inference

Rookie Camp Sharing: Preventive Maintenance Scheduling

Rookie Camp Sharing: Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM)                                                 
Individual Studies: Support Vector Data Description for Prognostics and Health Management (PHM)

Teaching Assistant: Manufacturing Data Science (製造數據科學)

Research Assistant:
      AU Optronics Corp. (友達光電)
      Cyber-Physical Intelligent Diagnosis, Augmented Reality, and Predictive Maintenance System (2021-2024)

榮獲2023中國工業工程年會暨學術研討會 最佳論文獎!

Chu, Pin-Chi (朱彬祺), Lai, I-Kai (賴毅愷), Lee, Chia-Yen, 2023. Real Options and PHM-based Maintenance Scheduling of Bearing Degradation (實質選擇權與基於健康預測的維修保養於軸承退化). 2023 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE2023), Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, on Dec. 9, 2023. (Best Paper Award)

Song, Ting-Yuan, Chu, Pin-Chi, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. Deep Learning for Prognostic and Health Management. 2022 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE 2022), Nov. 11-13, 2022, National Quemoy University, Kinmen, Taiwan.

[7] 黃奕滔 (Yi-Tao Huang) (2021)


Package Developer: Robust Optimization (穩健最佳化)

Rookie Camp Sharing: Piecewise Linearization/Binary Variable Reduction/ Benders Decomposition/Lagrangian Relaxation for Upper/Lower Bound/Optimization Gap

Rookie Camp Sharing: Robust Optimization, Practical Guide to RO                                                                            

Rookie Camp Sharing: Robust Optimizatin and Reinforcement Learning

Individual Studies: Robust Optimization for Preventive Maintenance Scheduling

Teaching Assistant: Management Mathematics (管理數學)

Rearch Assistant:
       ASE Group (日月光半導體製造股份有限公司)
       Glue Spill Prediction and Predictive Maintenance in Semiconductor Assembly (2022)

       Intelligent Scheduling Optimization for Front-End of Cell Line in TFT-LCD Manufacturer
       Cell 前段(Feol)智慧排程最佳化研究計畫
       Collaborator: AU Optronics Corp. (友達光電)

榮獲2023中國工業工程年會暨學術研討會 最佳論文獎!

Lee, Chia-Yen, Huang, Yi-Tao, and Chen, P.-J., 2024. Robust-Optimization-Guiding Deep Reinforcement Learning for Chemical Material Production Scheduling. Computers and Chemical Engineering. (MOST111-2221-E-002-197)

Huang, Yi-Tao
(黃奕滔), Lu, Kuan-Chun (盧冠均), Lee, Chia-Yen, 2023. Deep Reinforcement Learning Embedded with Robust Optimization for Petrochemical Production Scheduling (穩健最佳化嵌入深度強化學習於化工廠生產排程). Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE2023), Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, on Dec. 9, 2023. (Best Paper Award)

Chang, Kai, Huang, Yi-Tao, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. Process and Sensor Anomaly Detection with Autoencoder-based Dynamic Control Limits. 2022 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE 2022), Nov. 11-13, 2022, National Quemoy University, Kinmen, Taiwan.

[6] 陳柏儒 (Bo-Ru Chen) (2021)


Co-Founder: Manufacturing Digital Transformation Academy (製造數位轉型學院)

Rookie Camp Sharing: Knowledge Graph and Knowledge Distillation                                                                            

Rookie Camp Sharing: Causal Inference and RUL prediction

Rookie Camp Sharing: Causal Inference and Statistical Machine Learning

Individual Studies: Project Portfolio Selection Problem

Teaching Assistant: Manufacturing Data Science (製造數據科學)

Case Study: AI個案集-紡織業數位轉型

Research Assistant:
      AU Optronics Corp. (友達光電)
      Cyber-Physical Intelligent Diagnosis, Augmented Reality, and Predictive Maintenance System (2021-2024)

榮獲2023中國工業工程年會暨學術研討會 最佳論文獎!

Chen, Bo-Ru (陳柏儒), Li, Zong-Yang (李宗陽), Lee, Chia-Yen, 2023. Causal Inference and Policy Learning for Manufacturing Process Diagnosis (因果推論與政策學習於製程參數診斷). Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE2023), Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, on Dec. 9, 2023. (Best Paper Award)

Chen, Bo-Ru, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. A Health Indicator Monitoring Framework and Remaining Useful Life Estimation by Exponential Degradation Model. 2022 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE 2022), Nov. 11-13, 2022, National Quemoy University, Kinmen, Taiwan.

[5] 張智鈞 (Chih-Chun Chang) (2020)


Module Developer: Feature Engineering (特徵工程)

Rookie Camp Sharing: PHM and Deep Learning

Rookie Camp Sharing: Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning and Energy Saving Optimization in Chiller System

Rookie Camp Sharing: Computer Age Statistical  Inference

Summer Studies: In-Line Predictive Monitoring Framework

Individual Studies: Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) and Energy Saving for Chiller Optimization

Teaching Assistant: Manufacturing Data Science (製造數據科學)

Research Assistant:
      Winbond (華邦電子)
      Optimization Algorithm for Chiller Energy Saving

    Multi-agent and Meta-prediction-based Reinforcement Learning for Energy Saving Optimization in Chiller System

Lee, Chia-Yen*, Li, Yao-Wen, and Chang, Chih-Chun, 2024. Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Chiller System Prediction and Energy-Saving Optimization in Semiconductor Manufacturing. International Journal of Production Economics.

Chang, Chih-Chun, Hsiao, Jui-Hsin, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. Chiller System Optimization with Meta-prediction-based simulation and Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning. 2022 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE 2022), National Quemoy University, Kinmen, Taiwan. (Best Paper Award)

榮獲2022中國工業工程年會暨學術研討會 最佳論文獎!

[4] 宋亭遠 (Ting-Yuan Song) (2020)


Module Developer: Feature Engineering (特徵工程)

Rookie Camp Sharing: Deep Reinforcement Learning and Traffic Control

Rookie Camp Sharing: Deep Learning(CNN,RNN,LSTM)/ Spatio-Temporal model/ BERT/ Transformer/ Attention

Rookie Camp Sharinng: Text Mining and Sentiment analysis of online news for oil price forecast/ Granger causality

Summer Studies: Text Mining with News Sentiment Analysis for Price Prediction

Individual Studies: Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) and Supervised Attention

Teaching Assistant: Management Mathematics (管理數學)

Teaching Assistant: Manufacturing Data Science (製造數據科學)

Research Assistant:
      AU Optronics Corp. (友達光電)
      Cyber-Physical Intelligent Diagnosis, Augmented Reality, and Predictive Maintenance System (2021-2024)

      Institute for Information Industry (III) (財團法人資訊工業策進會)
      Benchmarking Research on Professional Techniques for Electrical Talents
      (智慧電子人才應用發展推動計畫-專業職能基準研究, 2021)

    Motion-based Deep Learning for Prognostic and Health Management of Physical Vapor Deposition Equipment

Song, Ting-Yuan, Chu, Pin-Chi, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. Deep Learning for Prognostic and Health Management. 2022 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE 2022), Nov. 11-13, 2022, National Quemoy University, Kinmen, Taiwan.

[3] 張鎧 (Kai Chang) (2020)


Rookie Camp Sharing: Meta-Heuristic Algorithms for Production Scheduling

Rookie Camp Sharing: Concept Drift (eg. weighting majority), Domain Adaptation, Transfer Learning, Adaptive Machine Learning

Rookie Camp Sharing: Equipment Health Monitoring, PHM, Predictive Maintenance (PdM)

Individual Studies: Heuristic for Production Scheduling in Textile Manufacturer                                                        

Preventive Maintenance Optimization

Teaching Assistant: Management Mathematics (管理數學)

Research Assistant:
       ASE Group (日月光半導體製造股份有限公司)
       Intelligent Preventive Maintenance Systems (2021)

    Autoencoder-based Dynamic Control Limits for Process and Sensor Anomaly Detection

Lee, Chia-Yen*, Chang, Kai, Ho, Chien, 2024. Autoencoder-based Detector for Distinguishing Process Anomaly and Sensor Failure. International Journal of Production Research.

Chang, Kai, Huang, Yi-Tao, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. Process and Sensor Anomaly Detection with Autoencoder-based Dynamic Control Limits. 2022 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE 2022), Nov. 11-13, 2022, National Quemoy University, Kinmen, Taiwan.

[2] 沈宏穎 (Hung-Ying Shen) (2020)


Co-Founder: Manufacturing Digital Transformation Academy (製造數位轉型學院)

Rookie Camp Sharing: Advanced Scheduling and Reinforcement Learning

Rookie Camp Sharing: Deep Reinforcement Learning

Rookie Camp Sharing: XAI: SHAP and LIME

Individual Studies: Yield Prediction and Preventive Maintenance Optimization in TFT-LCD Manufacturer

Summer Studies: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Preventive Maintenance Scheduling

Teaching Assistant: Manufacturing Data Science (製造數據科學)

Research Assistant:
       AU Optronics Corp. (友達光電股份有限公司)
       An Optimal Tradeoff of Preventive Maintenance between Yield and Capacity in the Panel Manufacturer (2020)

Deep reinforcement learning-based preventive maintenance for repairable machines with deterioration in flow line system

Hung, Yu-Hsin, Shen, Hong-Ying, and Lee, Chia-Yen*, 2024. Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Preventive Maintenance for Repairable Machines with Deterioration in a Flow Line System. Annals of Operations Research.

Shen, Hong-Ying
, Hung, Yu-Hsin, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. Deep Reinforcement Learning Preventive Maintenance of Deteriorated Machine in a Flow Line. 2022 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE 2022), National Quemoy University, Kinmen, Taiwan. (Best Paper Award)

榮獲2022中國工業工程年會暨學術研討會 最佳論文獎!

[1] 吳延東 (Yen-Tung Wu) (2020)


Product Developer: Cap-and-Trade (排放權交易) and Carbon Pricing (碳定價)

Rookie Camp Sharing: Stochastic Data Envelopment Analysis and DEA with Python

Rookie Camp Sharing: Deep Reinforcement Learning

Rookie Camp Sharing: Multiple-Objective Capcity Planning with Data Envelopment Analysis

Summer Studies: Productivity and Efficiency Analysis/ Data Envelopment Analysis

Individual Studies: Symbolic Regression with Regularization for Production Function Estimation

Teaching Assistant: Operations Research Applications (作業研究應用與實作)

Teaching Assistant: Productivity and Efficiency Analysis (生產力與效率分析)

Research Assistant:
       ASE Group (日月光半導體製造股份有限公司)
       Intelligent Preventive Maintenance Systems (2021)

    Marginal Productivity and Efficiency Analysis on Taiwan’s Life Insurance Industry through Meta-Data Envelopment Analysis

Wu, Yen-Tung, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2023. Marginal Productivity of Product Mix Matters? Data Envelopment Analysis for Marginal Profit Consistency in Taiwan’s Life Insurance Industry. Operations Research Forum.

Wu, Yen-Tung, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. Meta-Data Envelopment Analysis for Taiwan’s Life Insurance Industry. 2022 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference (CIIE 2022), Nov. 11-13, 2022, National Quemoy University, Kinmen, Taiwan.

Fang, Yu-Hsueh (方鈺學), Chiang, Tsai-Pin (江采嬪), Wu, Yen-Tung (吳延東), and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. Cap-and-Trade and Carbon Pricing (排放權交易與碳定價). In CIIE (中國工業工程學會) (eds), Sustainable Engineering and Management (永續工程與管理), 前程文化. (in Chinese)

  Undergraduate (project in Information Management), NTU

[4] 邱秉辰、陳定宏、陳郁婷、陳鵬仁、劉正悅、李承軒

[3] 史康宇、吳驊祐、林孟璇、周成康、陳瑾叡、黃戎僔
      數據科學分析的土壤:Trust AI & Data Quality Pipeline

[2] 莊翔安、陳旻浚、劉鈺祥、歐崇愷

[1] 林大禾、許芸嘉、陳柄瑞、黃季昕、康崴、盧冠均
      Dynamic Pricing for Delivery Platform: Pricing Strategy Optimization by Reinforcement Learning
      Award: Honorable. Mention, University Project Competition of 2022 Operations Research Society of Taiwan (June 2022)
      2022台灣作業研究學會大專校院專題競賽 決策支援與資訊系統組 佳作

  Ph.D. in IMIS, NCKU

[7] 謝宗達 (Tsung-Da Hsieh) (2020)


Rookie Camp Sharing: The Elements of Statistical Learning

Rookie Camp Sharing: GAN (Generative Adversarial Networks), autoencoder, Graph NN, Graph Spatio-Temporal Networks

[6] 楊潓賢 (Hui-Xian Yang)


Rookie Camp Sharing: Image Processing and Pattern Recognition

Rookie Camp Sharing: The Elements of Statistical Learning      

Rookie Camp Sharing: Business and Industry Applications

Summer Studies: Image Recognition for Microchip Lead Inspection

[5] 沈柏丞 (Po-Cheng Shen)


Module Developer: Spatio-Temporal Data Science Model (時空數據科學模型)

Rookie Camp Sharing: Few-Shot Learning, Meta Learning, and Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)

Rookie Camp Sharing: 深度學習進階議題(eg. 生成式AI, Concept Drift, Domain Adaptation, Transfer
  Learning, Adaptive Machine Learning)

Individual Studies: Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction

Individual Studies: Deep Learning and CNN

Individual Studies: Incomplete Dataset and Re-check Mechanism for Overkill False Alarm

Teaching Assistant: Data Mining (資料探勘)

Teaching Assistant: Operations Research Applications and Implementation (作業研究應用與實作)

Certificate: 2019 Intelligent Production Scheduling System Workshop (智慧生產排程系統研習會)

Research Assistant: ASE Group (日月光半導體製造股份有限公司)
       Strip Map Analysis of the Substrate in the Chip Bond Process of the Semiconductor Equipment
       半導體設備Strip Map分析之製程精進, 2020

        Root Cause Identification of Wafer Bin Map in Semiconductor Equipment
       半導體設備晶圓分析之追因行動 2019

    Deep Learning for Wafer Bin Map Recognition and  Quality Re-Inspection System

Shen, Po-Cheng, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. Wafer Bin Map Recognition with Autoencoder-based Data Augmentation in Semiconductor Assembly Process. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 35(2), 198 - 209.

Master Thesis Award at Empirical Study Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) (July 2020)
榮獲中國工業工程學會碩士論文獎 [實務個案組] 優勝!
Deep Learning for Wafer Bin Map Recognition and  Quality Re-Inspection System

Master Thesis Award at 2020 Operations Research Society of Taiwan (ORSTW) (Nov. 2020)
2020台灣作業研究學會碩博士論文競賽 優勝

Award: 斐陶斐榮譽學會會員 (The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society) (2024)

[4] 盧宣文 (Hsuan-Wen Lu)


Product Developer: Data Quality Assessment (數據品質評估)

Module Developer: Feature Engineering (特徵工程)

Rookie Camp Sharing: Signal Processing (time domain/frequency domain/ EMD/ time-frequency domain, voice data), Prognostic and Health Management (PHM)

Rookie Camp Sharing: Signal Processing (time domain/frequency domain/ EMD/ time-frequency domain)/ Feature Engineering and Augmentation

Rookie Camp Sharing: Adaptive Machine learning

Individual Studies: Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Sensor Signals

Individual Studies: Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction

Individual Studies: Predictive Maintenance (PdM) and its Methodologies

Individual Studies: Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) and Data Quality Investigation

Teaching Assistant: Data Mining (資料探勘)

Teaching Assistant: Mathematical Programming for Scheduling/ Python排程數學規劃教學
    2018 Intelligent Production Scheduling System Workshop (智慧生產排程系統研習會)

Teaching Assistant: Operations Research Applications and Implementation (作業研究應用與實作)

Certificate: 2018 MOST Short Courses in Frontier Science and Technology (Smart Manufacturing Camp)
    2018 中央研究院「尖端科技研習營」─智慧製造研習營

Research Assistant: 西柏容 Seberon

Research Assistant: LCY Chemical Corp. (李長榮化學工業股份有限公司)
    Continousou-flow Production Scheduling Algorithm for Petrochemical Batch Processes
    化工連續流生產排程演算法, 2019

Research Assistant
      AU Optronics Corp. (友達光電)
      Cyber-Physical Intelligent Diagnosis, Augmented Reality, and Predictive Maintenance System (2021-2024)

    Kernel-Density Dynamic Ensemble Technique for Predictive Maintenance

    Lu, Hsuan-Wen (盧宣文), and  Chia-Yen Lee, 2019. Kernel-Density Dynamic Ensemble Technique for Predictive Maintenance (發展核密度動態集成技術於預測保養). 2019 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) Conference & Annual Meeting, Nov. 23, 2019, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lu, Hsuan-Wen, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. Kernel-based dynamic ensemble technique for remaining useful life prediction. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7 (2), 1142-1149.

Lu, Hsuan-Wen, and Lee, Chia-Yen*, 2024. Feature-enhanced multisource subdomain adaptation on robust remaining useful life prediction. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters.

    李家岩、楊舒惠、歐子毓、盧宣文, 2022。數據科學分析的土壤:數據品質評估,東華AI通訊報,第三期。

Honorable Mention of Master Thesis Award at Information System Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) (July 2020)
榮獲中國工業工程學會碩士論文獎 [資訊系統組] 佳作!
Kernel-Density Dynamic Ensemble Technique for Predictive Maintenance

[3] 黎耀文 (Yao-Wen Li)


Rookie Camp Sharing: Deep Learning, YOLO, GAN (Generative Adversarial Networks), autoencoder

Rookie Camp Sharing: Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction

Rookie Camp Sharing: Deep Reinforcement Learning

Individual Studies: Chiller Energy Saving Optimization

Lee, Chia-Yen*, Li, Yao-Wen, and Chang, Chih-Chun, 2024. Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Chiller System Prediction and Energy-Saving Optimization in Semiconductor Manufacturing. International Journal of Production Economics.

[2] 陳偉欽 (Wei-Chin Sizemore Chen)


Summer  Studies: Scheduling: Theory, Algorithms, and Systems

Rookie Camp Sharing: Deep Reinforcement Learning

Rookie Camp Sharing: Rookie Camp Sharing: Business and Industry Applications

Rookie Camp Sharing: Hybrid of Mathematical Programming and Metaheuristic Algorithm

Rookie Camp Sharing: Scheduling: Theory, Algorithms, and Systems

Master Thesis: Using Mathematical Programming and Meta-heuristic Methods to Optimize the Design of Die-cuts for Angle-Constrained Product.

Award: 2018 Fuboon Life Management Master Thesis Award
       2018富邦人壽管理碩士論文獎EMBA組 佳作 (Aug. 2018)

[1] 陳柏勳 (Bo-Syun Chen)


Rookie Camp Sharing: Business and Industry Applications

Rookie Camp Sharing: The Elements of Statistical Learning

Individual Studies: Deep Learning and CNN

Chen, Bo-Syun and Chia-Yen Lee (Aug. 2014). MECE Variable Selection: an Example of Semiconductor Manufacturing (彼此獨立互補遺漏參數篩選方法:以半導體製造為例). 2014 International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing Intelligence, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lee, Chia-Yen and Bo-Syun Chen (陳柏勳), 2017. Mutually-Exclusive-and-Collectively-Exhaustive Feature Selection Scheme. Accepted in Applied Soft Computing.

Lee, Chia-Yen and Bo-Syun Chen, 2017. Mutually-Exclusive and Collectively-Exhaustive (MECE) Feature Selection Method (互斥與完備集合的特徵選擇方法). Taiwan Patent: I564740.

Award: Best Paper for Modeling & Decisions
            2014 International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing Intelligence (ISMI)

  Master in IMIS, NCKU

[33] 呂孟修 (Meng-Xiu Lu)


Module Developer: Spatio-Temporal Data Science Model (時空數據科學模型)

Rookie Camp Sharing: Stochastic Programming and Robust Optimization

Rookie Camp Sharing: Spatio-Temporal Anomaly Detection

Rookie Camp Sharing: Deep Learning and Transfer Learning for PHM

Summer Studies: Classification for Wafer Bin Map Analysis                                                                                        

Research Assistant:
       ASE Group (日月光半導體製造股份有限公司)
       Strip Map Analysis of the Substrate in the Chip Bond Process of the Semiconductor Equipment
       半導體設備Strip Map分析之製程精進, 2020

    Spatio-Temporal Anomaly Detection for Substrate Strip Bin Map in Semiconductor Assembly Process

Shen, Po-Cheng, Lu, Meng-Xiu, and Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022. Spatio-temporal anomaly detection for substrate strip bin map in semiconductor assembly process. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7(4), 9493-9500.

[32] 洪志宇 (Chih-Yu Hung)


Writer: Collection of Strategic Mind (佳言語錄集)

Product Developer: Data Quality Assessment (數據品質評估)

Rookie Camp Sharing: Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction

Rookie Camp Sharing: Equipment Health Monitoring, Prognostic and Health Management (PHM), Predictive Maintenance (PdM)

Rookie Camp Sharing: Advanced Process Control (APC)/ Run-to-Run (R2R)                                                            

Summer Studies: Frequency-Domain Mechanical Diagnosis

Individual Studies: Advanced Ppocess Control (APC) and Run-to-Run (R2R) Control

Research Assistant:
    Delta Electronics Inc. (台達電子工業股份有限公司)
    Diagnosis of the Mechanism with Multi-layer Architecture (V)
    (以分層式架構進行機構之健康診斷(四), 2020)

    Delta Electronics Inc. (台達電子工業股份有限公司)
    Diagnosis of the Mechanism with Multi-layer Architecture (V)
    機台健康診斷(五): 利用模型殘差診斷機械振動與外擾力

     Semi-Supervised Learning Framework for Inline Bearing Diagnosis in Varying Speed

Hung, Chi-Yu, Lee, Chia-Yen*, Tsai, C.-H., and Wu, J.-M., 2024. ORgram: semi-supervised learning framework for inline bearing diagnosis in varying speed. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology.

Hung, Chih-Yu
(洪志宇), Lee, Chia-Yen, 2022。半監督式學習架構於變速下滾動軸承線上損壞檢測 Semi-Supervised Learning Framework for Inline Bearing Diagnosis in Varying Speed,中國機械工程學會第 39 屆全國學術研討會,Chinese Society of Mechnical Engineers(CSME) Conference, Dec. 2-3, 2022, 國立聯合大學, NUU, Miaoli, Taiwan.

Hung, Chih-Yu (洪志宇)
Summa Cum Laude (First Place), Student Thesis Competition of Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers (CSME) Conference.
榮獲中國機械工程學會全國學術研討會學生論文競賽 第一名!

[31] 楊舒惠 (Shu-Huei Yang)


Product Developer: Data Quality Assessment (數據品質評估)

Internship: Teaching Assistant for AI4Kids

Rookie Camp Sharing: Computer Age Statistical  Inference

Rookie Camp Sharing: Graph Spatio-Temporal Networks

Rookie Camp Sharing: Nonparametric Regression and Classification, Nonparametric Gradient Boosting

Summer Studies: Nonparametric Regression via Variance-Adjusted Gradient Boosting Gaussian Process Regression

Individual Studies: Big Data Analytics of COVID-19 for Manufacturing Industry and Supply Chain

Research Assistant: Delta Electronics Inc. (台達電子工業股份有限公司)
    Diagnosis of the Mechanism with Multi-layer Architecture (IV)
    (以分層式架構進行機構之健康診斷(四), 2020)

    Manufacturing Sales Forecasting and Epidemic Prevention Policies in Epidemic Era

李家岩、楊舒惠、歐子毓、盧宣文, 2022。數據科學分析的土壤:數據品質評估,東華AI通訊報,第三期。

Lee, Chia-Yen, and Yang, Shu-Huei, 2023. Graph spatio-temporal networks for manufacturing sales forecast and prevention policies in pandemic era. Computers & Industrial Engineering.

[30] 歐子毓 (Tzu-Yu Ou)


Product Developer: Data Quality Assessment (數據品質評估)

Module Developer: Spatio-Temporal Data Science Model (時空數據科學模型)

Internship: Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (tsmc, 台灣積體電路股份有限公司)

Internship: Teaching Assistant for AI4Kids    
Undergraduate Project: Data Science for Hourse Price Prediction

Rookie Camp Sharing: Generative Adversarial Networks

Rookie Camp Sharing: Process Efficiency Analysis and Deep Learning Applications in Surgery

Rookie Camp Sharing: Image Processing and graph theory

Summer Studies: Process Improvement, Data Science, and Real-Time Monitoring for Operating Room

Individual Studies: Big Data Analytics and Dynamic Objects Detection in Hospital Operating Room

Teaching Assistant: Operations Research Applications and Implementation (作業研究應用與實作)

    Process Efficiency Analysis and Surgical Workflow Recognition in Operating Room

李家岩、楊舒惠、歐子毓、盧宣文, 2022。數據科學分析的土壤:數據品質評估,東華AI通訊報,第三期。

    Data science for hourse price prediction
    成大資訊工程系109級大學部畢業專題展示會 佳作

[29] 方鈺學 (Yu-Hsueh Fang)


Product Developer: Cap-and-Trade (排放權交易) and Carbon Pricing (碳定價)

Internship: Teaching Assistant for AI4Kids

Rookie Camp Sharing: Global Optimization/ Piecewise Linearization/ Binary Variable Reduction

Undergraduate Project: Marginal Abatement Costs in Data Envelopment Analysis

Rookie Camp Sharing: Deep Reinforcement Learning

Summer Studies: Piecewise Linearization with Logarithmic Binary Variable Reduction

Individual Studies: pyStoNED Package Development

Individual Studies: Piecewise Linearization for Assortment and Bin-Packing Problems

Teaching Assistant: Operations Research Applications and Implementation (作業研究應用與實作)

Sheng Dai, Yu-Hsueh Fang, Chia-Yen Lee, and Timo Kuosmanen (2021).
    pyStoNED: Python package for Stochastic Nonparametric Envelopment of Data (StoNED).
    pyStoNED Homepage:

    Flattened Minimax Error Piecewise Linearization on Multidimensional Assortment Problem

Honorable Mention of Master Thesis Award in Operations Research Society of Taiwan (Dec.2022)
榮獲台灣作業研究學會2022年碩博士論文競賽 佳作!
Flattened Minimax Error Piecewise Linearization on Multidimensional Assortment Problem

Best Paper Award, Operations Research Society of Taiwan (ORSTW) Conference & Annual Meeting (Dec.. 2021)
榮獲2021第十七屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨國際研討會及第19屆管理學術研討會-OR作業研究領域 優良論文!
pyStoNED: A Python Package for Convex Regression and Frontier Estimation

 Topic: Decision Support System for Marginal Abatement Costs of the Coal-fired Power Plants. 燃煤電廠邊際減排成本決策支援系統
 Award: 1st place, University Project Competition of 2020 Operations Research Society of Taiwan (June 2020)
 2020台灣作業研究學會大專校院專題競賽 資訊系統組 第一名

[28] 吳宗諭 (Tsung-Yu Wu)


Product Developer: Raw Material Price Forecast and Procurement Optimization (原料價格預測與採購最佳化)

Github: Cost Sensitive Method for Data Science

Rookie Camp Sharing: Deep Reinforcement Learning and Conditional Value-at-Risk

Summer  Studies: Genetic Algorithm for Job Shop Scheduling and NSGAII

Summer Studies: RNN, LSTM, and Time Series Forecast Techniques

Individual Studies: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Material Procurement Optimization

Teaching Assistant: Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (智能製造系統)

Certificate: 2019 Intelligent Production Scheduling System Workshop (智慧生產排程系統研習會)

Research Assistant: Formosa Technologies Corporation (台塑網科技股份有限公司)
    Artificial Intelligence Models for Oil Prices Forecast with Macroeconomic Variables
    總體經濟因子預測原油價格AI模型, 2020

     Data Science and Conditional Value-at-Risk Reinforcement Learning for Crude Oil Price Forecasting and Procurement Optimization

[27] 陳彥彣 (Yen-Wen Chen)


Rookie Camp Sharing: Effecveness, Efficiency, Malmquist Productivity Index, and DQN in DEA

Summer Studies: Deep Reinforcement Learning

Summer Studies: Productivity and Efficiency Analysis/ Data Envelopment Analysis

Individual Studies: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Data Envelopment Analysis

Teaching Assistant: Operations Research (作業研究)

Certificate: 2019 Intelligent Production Scheduling System Workshop (智慧生產排程系統研習會)

Research Assistant: Formosa Technologies Corporation (台塑網科技股份有限公司)
    Artificial Intelligence Models for Oil Prices Forecast with Macroeconomic Variables
    總體經濟因子預測原油價格AI模型, 2020

    Data Envelopment Analysis and Reinforcement Learning with Conditional Value-at-Risk for Productivity Optimization

Lee, Chia-Yen, and Chen, Yen-Wen, 2023. Reinforcement learning with data envelopment analysis and conditional value-at-risk for the capacity expansion problem. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. (MOST111-2628-E-002-019-MY3)

Book Chapter:
Lee, Chia-Yen, Hung, Yu-Hsin, and Chen, Yen-Wen, 2021. Hybrid data science and reinforcement learning in data envelopment analysis. In: Zhu, J. and Charles V. (eds), Data-Enabled Analytics: DEA for Big Data, International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, vol 312, Springer.

Best Paper Award, Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) Conference & Annual Meeting (Nov. 2021)
榮獲2021中國工業工程年會暨學術研討會 最佳論文獎!
Data Envelopment Analysis and Quantile Regression Deep Q-Network for Productivity Trajectory Optimization.

[26] 鄧羽雯 (Yu-Wen Teng)


Rookie Camp Sharing: Preventive Maintenance Scheduling

Summer  Studies: Scheduling: Theory, Algorithms, and Systems

Summer  Studies: Genetic Algorithm for Job Shop Scheduling and NSGAII

Individual Studies: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Preventive Maintenance in Petrochemical Industry

Teaching Assistant: Operations Research (作業研究)

Certificate: 2019 Intelligent Production Scheduling System Workshop (智慧生產排程系統研習會)

Research Assistant: LCY Chemical Corp. (李長榮化學工業股份有限公司)
    Multi-Objective MFI-Production Scheduling Algorithm for Petrochemical Processes
    化工熔融指數生產排程多目標演算法, 2020

    Preventive Maintenance for Petrochemical MFI-Production Scheduling

Lee, Chia-Yen*, Ho, Chieh-Ying, Hung, Yu-Hsin, and Deng, Yu-Wen, 2024. Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm Embedded with Reinforcement Learning for Petrochemical Melt-Flow-Index Production Scheduling. Applied Soft Computing. (NSTC112-2221-E-002-003)

[25] 洪翊庭 (I-Ting Hung)


Github: SHAP

Rookie Camp Sharing: Signal Analysis and Equipment Health Diagnosis

Summer  Studies: Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction

Summer Studies: Signal Analysis and Equipment Health Diagnosis

Teaching Assistant: Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (智能製造系統)

Certificate: 2019 Intelligent Production Scheduling System Workshop (智慧生產排程系統研習會)

Research Assistant: Delta Electronics Inc. (台達電子工業股份有限公司)
    Diagnosis of the Mechanism with Multi-layer Architecture (IV)
    (以分層式架構進行機構之健康診斷(四), 2020)

    Diagnosis of the Mechanism with Multi-layer Architecture (III)
    (以分層式架構進行機構之健康診斷(三), 2019)

    On-line Health Assessment and Predictive Maintenancefor Belt Drive System

Hung, I-Ting, Lee, Chia-Yen*, Chen, Yen-Wen, Tsai, Ching-Hsiung, Wu Jia-Ming. 2024. Friction-based on-line health assessment and predictive maintenance for belt drive system. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, A Springer book series. Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing: Manufacturing Innovation and Preparedness for the Changing World Order: Proceedings of FAIM2024, June 23–26, 2024, Taichung, TAIWAN. (Third Prize Best Paper Award, the 33th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM2024) 榮獲2024彈性自動化與智慧製造國際研討會最佳論文獎第三名)

[24] 沈柏丞 (Po-Cheng Shen)


Summer  Studies: Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction

Summer Studies: Deep Learning and CNN

Teaching Assistant: Data Mining (資料探勘)

Certificate: 2019 Intelligent Production Scheduling System Workshop (智慧生產排程系統研習會)

Research Assistant: ASE Group (日月光半導體製造股份有限公司)
        Root Cause Identification of Wafer Bin Map in Semiconductor Equipment
       半導體設備晶圓分析之追因行動 2019

    Deep Learning for Wafer Bin Map Recognition and  Quality Re-Inspection System

Master Thesis Award at Empirical Study Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) (July 2020)
榮獲中國工業工程學會碩士論文獎 [實務個案組] 優勝!
Deep Learning for Wafer Bin Map Recognition and  Quality Re-Inspection System

Master Thesis Award at 2020 Operations Research Society of Taiwan (ORSTW) (Nov. 2020)
2020台灣作業研究學會碩博士論文競賽 優勝

[23] 詹京哲 (Jing-Jhe, Chan)


Rookie Camp Sharing: Prognostic and Health Management (PHM) and Bayesian Optimization

Summer  Studies: Computer Age Statistical Inference: Algorithms, Evidence and Data Science

Teaching Assistant: Data Mining (資料探勘)

Research Assistant: ASE Group (日月光半導體製造股份有限公司)
       Intelligent Classification Algorithm for Failure Diagnosis in Semiconductor Equipment
       半導體設備參數失效原因智能化分類, 2019

Certificate: 2018 MOST Short Courses in Frontier Science and Technology (Smart Manufacturing Camp)
    2018 中央研究院「尖端科技研習營」─智慧製造研習營     

    Chan, Jing-Jhe (詹京哲), and Chia-Yen Lee, 2019. Data Science Technique for Failure Diagnostic and Prognostic in Semiconductor Equipment (資料科學技術於半導體設備之故障診斷). The 2019 Annual Meeting of the Operations Research Society of Taiwan, Nov. 8, 2019, Central Police University, Taiwan.

    Process Monitoring with Multiple Sensor and Parameter Optimization

[22] 何杰穎 (Chieh-Ying Ho)


Internship: Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (tsmc, 台灣積體電路股份有限公司)

Summer Studies: Deep Reinforcement Learning

Summer Studies: Multi-objective Reinforcement Learning for Scheduling

Teaching Assistant: Operations Research (作業研究)

Teaching Assistant: Operations Research Applications and Implementation (作業研究應用與實作)

Certificate: 2018 MOST Short Courses in Frontier Science and Technology (Smart Manufacturing Camp)
    2018 中央研究院「尖端科技研習營」─智慧製造研習營     

Research Assistant: LCY Chemical Corp. (李長榮化學工業股份有限公司)
    Continousou-flow Production Scheduling Algorithm for Petrochemical Batch Processes
    化工連續流生產排程演算法, 2019

    Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm and Reinforcement Learning for Petrochemical MFI-Production Scheduling

  Ho, Chieh-Ying (何杰穎), and Chia-Yen Lee, 2019. Machine Learning for Production Scheduling in Petrochemistry Industry (以機器學習於石化工業生產排程之研究). The 2019 Annual Meeting of the Operations Research Society of Taiwan, Nov. 8, 2019, Central Police University, Taiwan.

Lee, Chia-Yen*, Ho, Chieh-Ying, Hung, Yu-Hsin, and Deng, Yu-Wen, 2024. Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm Embedded with Reinforcement Learning for Petrochemical Melt-Flow-Index Production Scheduling. Applied Soft Computing. (NSTC112-2221-E-002-003)

Master Thesis Award at Operations Research Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) (June 2019)
榮獲中國工業工程學會碩士論文獎 [作業研究組] 優勝!
Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm and Reinforcement Learning for Petrochemical MFI-Production Scheduling

[21] 林峰吉 (Feng-Chi Lin)


Summer  Studies: Forward and Backward Scheduling Integration

Summer Studies: Generative Adversarial Networks

Summer Studies: Scheduling Heuristic and Outsourcing Modelling

Teaching Assistant: Operations Research (作業研究)

Teaching Assistant: Operations Research Applications and Implementation (作業研究應用與實作)

Certificate: 2018 MOST Short Courses in Frontier Science and Technology (Smart Manufacturing Camp)
    2018 中央研究院「尖端科技研習營」─智慧製造研習營     

Research Assistant: 工業技術研究院/ 豐螺絲股份有限公司
    Back-end Process Semi-Automatic Prodcution Scheduling System
    後製程半自動化生產排程系統, 2019

    Heuristic Algorithm of Production Scheduling with Outsourcing Uncertainty in Fastener Manufacturer

    Lin, Feng-Chi (林峰吉), Chin-Yi Tseng, Chia-Yen Lee, 2019. Heuristic Algorithms for Production Scheduling of Fastener Manufacturer (啟發式演算法於五金扣件製造商之生產排程). 2019 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) Conference & Annual Meeting, Nov. 23, 2019, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.

[20] 盧宣文 (Hsuan-Wen Lu)


Summer  Studies: Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Sensor Signals

Summer  Studies: Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction

Summer Studies: Predictive Maintenance (PdM) and its Methodologies

Teaching Assistant: Data Mining (資料探勘)

Teaching Assistant: Mathematical Programming for Scheduling/ Python排程數學規劃教學
    2018 Intelligent Production Scheduling System Workshop (智慧生產排程系統研習會)

Certificate: 2018 MOST Short Courses in Frontier Science and Technology (Smart Manufacturing Camp)
    2018 中央研究院「尖端科技研習營」─智慧製造研習營

Research Assistant: LCY Chemical Corp. (李長榮化學工業股份有限公司)
    Continousou-flow Production Scheduling Algorithm for Petrochemical Batch Processes
    化工連續流生產排程演算法, 2019

    Kernel-Density Dynamic Ensemble Technique for Predictive Maintenance

    Lu, Hsuan-Wen (盧宣文), and  Chia-Yen Lee, 2019. Kernel-Density Dynamic Ensemble Technique for Predictive Maintenance (發展核密度動態集成技術於預測保養). 2019 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) Conference & Annual Meeting, Nov. 23, 2019, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.

Honorable Mention of Master Thesis Award at Information System Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) (July 2020)
榮獲中國工業工程學會碩士論文獎 [資訊系統組] 佳作!
Kernel-Density Dynamic Ensemble Technique for Predictive Maintenance

[19] 鄭宇翔 (Yu-Hsiang Cheng)


Summer  Studies: Bayesian MARS (multivariate adaptive regression spline)

Summer Studies: Signal Analysis and Equipment Health Diagnosis

Summer Studies: Nonparametric Regression and Classification

Teaching Assistant: Data Mining (資料探勘)

Teaching Assistant: Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (智能製造系統)

Research Assistant: Delta Electronics Inc. (台達電子工業股份有限公司)
    Multi-tier Hierarthical Framework for Machine Health Diagnosis
    以分層式架構進行機構之健康診斷, 2018

Research Assistant: Delta Electronics Inc. (台達電子工業股份有限公司)
    Diagnosis of the Mechanism with Multi-layer Architecture (III)
    以分層式架構進行機構之健康診斷(三), 2019

Certificate: 2018 MOST Short Courses in Frontier Science and Technology (Smart Manufacturing Camp)
    2018 中央研究院「尖端科技研習營」─智慧製造研習營     

     Data Science for Friction Estimation and Compensation on Equipment Health Management of CNC Machine

    Cheng, Yu-Hsiang (鄭宇翔), Chia-Yen Lee, and Chia-Ming Wu, 2019. Data Science for Friction Estimation and Compensation on CNC Machine (資料科學於CNC機台摩擦力估測與補償). 2019 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) Conference & Annual Meeting, Nov. 23, 2019, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.

Cheng, Yu-Hsiang, Lee, Chia-Yen*, Tsai, Ching-Hsiung, and Wu, Jia-Ming, 2024. Two-phase data science framework for compensation of the friction force in CNC machines. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing.

Lee, Chia-Yen, Cheng, Yu-Hsiang (鄭宇翔), Chen, Chia-Hui (陳家慧), and Tsai, Ping-Chun (蔡秉均), 2021. Method for predicting and compensating frictions of feed system (進給系統的摩擦力預測與補償方法). Taiwan Patent: I731699.

Master Thesis Award at Production System Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) (July 2020)
榮獲中國工業工程學會碩士論文獎 [生產系統組] 優勝!
Data Science for Friction Estimation and Compensation on Equipment Health Management of CNC Machine

Honorable Mention of Master Thesis Award at 2020 Operations Research Society of Taiwan (ORSTW) (Nov. 2020)
2020台灣作業研究學會碩博士論文競賽 佳作

[18] 吳昭賢 (Chao-Shian James Wu)


缺陷鋼板分類資料分析(Data Analysis in Faulty Steel Plates Classification)

Summer  Studies: Data Science for Human Resources Analytics

Summer Studies: RNN, LSTM, and Sensor Prediction

Teaching Assistant: Statistical Methods (統計方法)                                                                                                      
    R Language Lectures for Statistical Method- Theory and Practice
    統計方法R語言教學- 理論與實務

Teaching Assistant: Data Mining (資料探勘)

Teaching Assistant: Optimization Theory and Statistical Data Science (最佳化理論與統計數據科學)

Teaching Assistant: Mind of Strategist (企業參謀:思考的技術)

Research Assistant: ASE Group (日月光半導體製造股份有限公司)
       Intelligent Classification Algorithm for Failure Diagnosis in Semiconductor Equipment

Certificate: 2018 MOST Short Courses in Frontier Science and Technology (Smart Manufacturing Camp)
    2018 中央研究院「尖端科技研習營」─智慧製造研習營     

     On-line Data Science Technique for Failure Diagnostic and Prognostic in Semiconductor Equipment

     Lee, Chia-Yen, Wu, Chao-Shian, and Hung, Yu-Hsin, 2021. In-line predictive monitoring framework. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 18 (4), 1668-1678.

Award: Master Thesis Award at Information System Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) (June 2019)
            榮獲中國工業工程學會碩士論文獎 [資訊系統組] 優勝!

Award: Honorable Mention, 2017 Big Data Analytics Competition for Creative Insurance

[17] 吳承璊 (Cheng-Man Wu)


Summer  Studies: Python and Gurobi for Scheduling Optimization

Summer Studies: Scheduling Algorithm Design and Analysis

Teaching Assistant: Operations Research (作業研究)                                                               
    Python+Gurobi Language Lectures for Linear Programming- Theory and Practice
    作業研究Python+Gurobi語言教學- 理論與實務                                                                                      

Teaching Assistant: Operations Research Applications and Implementation (作業研究應用與實作)      

Teaching Assistant: Optimization Theory and Statistical Data Science (最佳化理論與統計數據科學)

Teaching Assistant: Artificial Intelligence for Scheduling/ Python排程AI演算法教學
    2018 Intelligent Production Scheduling System Workshop (智慧生產排程系統研習會)

Research Assistant: Winbond (華邦電子股份有限公司)
    Scheduling Algorithm for Semiconductor Lithography Equipment
    Immersion半導體黃光機台生產排程系統演算法, 2018

Research Assistant: 工業技術研究院/ 豐螺絲股份有限公司
    Semi-Automatic Multi-Objective Prodcution Scheduling System
    半自動化多目標生產排程系統, 2017

Certificate: 2018 MOST Short Courses in Frontier Science and Technology (Smart Manufacturing Camp)
    2018 中央研究院「尖端科技研習營」─智慧製造研習營     

    An Empirical Study of Two-Phase Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm for Lithography Scheduling in Semiconductor DRAM Fab

Wu, Cheng-Man (吳承璊), & Chia-Yen Lee, 2019. Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for Lithography Scheduling in Semiconductor DRAM Fab. 2019 IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 22-26 August, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Tseng, Chin-Yi (曾蓁宜),  Cheng-Man Wu (吳承璊), Chia-Yen Lee, Shun-Chieh Lin, Yi-Lin Chiang, & Chih-Yu Chen, 2018. Efficient Heuristic Algorithm of Forward-and-backward Production Scheduling For Fastener Manufacturer. 2018 INFORMS International Conference, June 17-20, Taipei, Taiwan.

Award: Master Thesis Award at Operations Research Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) (June 2019)
            榮獲中國工業工程學會碩士論文獎 [作業研究組] 優勝!

Award: Honorable Mention, 2017 Big Data Analytics Competition for Creative Insurance

Honor: International Conference funded by EECS College, NCKU

Grant: International Conference funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (MOST)

[16] 洪佑鑫 (Yu-Hsin Jeff  Hung)


半導體製造資料分析(Data Analysis in Semiconductor Manufacturing)

Summer  Studies: Deep Reinforcement Learning

Summer Studies: Automatic Control, PSO, and Bayesian Optimization

Teaching Assistant: Statistical Method (統計方法)

Teaching Assistant: Data Mining (資料探勘)
    R Language Lectures for Data Science in Manufacturing
    R語言教學- 製造資料科學

Teaching Assistant: Optimization Theory and Statistical Data Science (最佳化理論與統計數據科學)

Teaching Assistant: Mind of Strategist (企業參謀:思考的技術)

Research Assistant: Delta Electronics Inc. (台達電子工業股份有限公司)
    以分層式架構進行滾珠螺桿之健康診斷, 2017

Certificate: 2018 MOST Short Courses in Frontier Science and Technology (Smart Manufacturing Camp)
    2018 中央研究院「尖端科技研習營」─智慧製造研習營     

    Hung, Yu-Hsin, Chia-Yen Lee, Ching-Hsiung Tsai, Yen-Ming Lu, 2020. Parameter Estimation and Process Control for Health Management in Mechanical System. 2020 IEEE 16th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Virtual Conference, 20-21 August 2020.

    Hung, Yu-Hsin, Lee, Chia-Yen, Tsai, Ching-Hsiung, and Lu, Yen-Ming, 2021. Constrained particle swarm optimization for health maintenance in three-mass resonant servo control system with LuGre friction model. Accepted in Annals of Operations Research

    Constrained Particle Swarm Optimization for Parameter Estimation and Health Maintenance in Three-Mass Resonant Servo Control System with Friction

    Hung, Yu-Hsin, Lee, Chia-Yen, Tsai, Ching-Hsiung, and Lu, Yen-Ming, 2022. Constrained particle swarm optimization for health maintenance in three-mass resonant servo control system with LuGre friction model. Annals of Operations Research, 311, 131–150.

     Lee, Chia-Yen, Wu, Chao-Shian, and Hung, Yu-Hsin, 2021. In-line predictive monitoring framework. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 18 (4), 1668-1678.
Award: Master Thesis Award at Production System Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) (June 2019)
            榮獲中國工業工程學會碩士論文獎 [生產系統組] 優勝!
Award: Honorable Mention, 2017 Big Data Analytics Competition for Creative Insurance
Award: Honorable Mention, 2016 Big Data Analytics Competition for Semiconductor Manufacturing.

Award: 斐陶斐榮譽學會會員 (The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society) (2019)

[15] 張博凱 (Po-Kai John Chang)


Summer  Studies: Hadoop and Spark for Big Data

Teaching Assistant: Data Mining (資料探勘)

Teaching Assistant: Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (智慧型製造系統)

Teaching Assistant: Introduction to Manufacturing Information and Systems (製造資訊與系統概論) 

Research Assistant: ASE Group (日月光半導體製造股份有限公司)                                                                         
     Wire Bond Equipment Health Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance Analysis

Research Assistant: Tongtai Machine & Tool Co. (東台精機股份有限公司)
    Data Science and Statistical Process Control for Automatic Quality Control System of Machine Tool.
    資料科學與統計製程管制建立工具機自動化線上品管系統, 2017

    An Empirical Study of Statistical Process Control and Data Science for Yield Enhancement in Machine Tool Industry

Jang, Bo-Kai (張博凱), & Chia-Yen Lee, 2018. , Quality System Implementation of Machine Tool using Data Mining and Statistical Quality Control Methods. 2018 INFORMS International Conference, June 17-20, Taipei, Taiwan.

Zhao-Hong Dong (董昭宏), Bo-Kai Jang (張博凱), and Chia-Yen Lee, 2017. Equipment Health Monitoring in the Semiconductor Assembly Process. The 27th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM2017), Jun. 27-30, Modena, Italy.

Grant: International Conference funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (MOST)

Award: Magna Cum Laude (third prize), 2017 Big Data Analytics Competition for Creative Insurance

Award: Honorable Mention, 2016 Big Data Analytics Competition for Semiconductor Manufacturing.

Award: Master Thesis Award Honorable Mention at Production System Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE)
     榮獲2018全國工業工程與管理碩士論文競賽 生產系統組 佳作

[14] 周百建 (Bai-Jian Allan Chou)


Product Developer: Raw Material Price Forecast and Procurement Optimization (原料價格預測與採購最佳化)

Summer  Studies: Foundations of Machine Learning

Teaching Assistant: Data Mining (資料探勘)

Teaching Assistant: Statistical Methods (統計方法)                                                                                                      

Teaching Assistant: Introduction to Manufacturing Information and Systems (製造資訊與系統概論) 

Special Skill: POLab Logo Designer (Logo1) (Logo2)

Lab Research Assistant: Deep Learning for Multi-Category Genome-Wide Association Studies

Research Assistant: LCY Chemical Corp. (李長榮化學工業股份有限公司)
    Manufacturing Data Science for Price Forecasting of Petrochemical Raw Material and Purchasing Decision
    (製造數據科學於石化原料價格預測與採購決策, 2017)

    Data Science and Reinforcement Learning for Price Prediction and Procurement Decision
    of Petrochemical Raw Material

Bai-Jian Chou (周百建), & Chia-Yen Lee, 2018. Data Mining For Price Forecasting of Petrochemical Raw Material. 2018 INFORMS International Conference, June 17-20, Taipei, Taiwan.

     Lee, Chia-Yen, Chou, Bai-Jian, and Huang, C.-F. 2022. Data science and reinforcement learning for price forecasting and raw material procurement in petrochemical industry. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 51, 101443.

Lee, Chia-Yen, Chou, Bai-Jian (周百建), Liow, Cayon Keei Yann, and Hong De-Yang, 2022. Material Procurement Method, Electric Device, and Computer Program Product (原料採購決策方法、電子裝置與電腦程式產品). Taiwan Patent: I757828.

Grant: International Conference funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (MOST)
Award: Magna Cum Laude (third prize), 2017 Big Data Analytics Competition for Creative Insurance
Award: Honorable Mention, 2016 Big Data Analytics Competition for Semiconductor Manufacturing.

Award: Master Thesis Award at Information System Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE)
     榮獲2018全國工業工程與管理碩士論文競賽 資訊系統組 優勝

[13] 曾蓁宜 (Chin-Yi Tseng)


Internship: Applied Materials Taiwan (台灣應用材料股份有限公司)
    Supply Chain Specialist (供應鏈工程師)

Summer  Studies: Complementarity Modeling in Energy Markets

Teaching Assistant: Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (智慧型製造系統)   

Teaching Assistant: Introduction to Manufacturing Information and Systems (製造資訊與系統概論)

Voluntary Worker, 2018 INFORMS International Conference                          

Research Assistant: 龍鼎生命科學股份有限公司
    Production Process Analysis and Supply-Demand Balance Optimization for the Moth Orchid Plant Factory               

Research Assistant: 工業技術研究院/ 豐螺絲股份有限公司
    Semi-Automatic Multi-Objective Prodcution Scheduling System

Lab Research Assistant: Data Envelopment Analysis for Nash Equilibrium in Multi-Level Electricity Market

    Data Envelopment Analysis and Stochastic Mixed Complementarity Problem for
    Solving Nash Equilibrium in Two-level Coal--fired Electricity Market

Tseng, Chin-Yi (曾蓁宜),  Cheng-Man Wu (吳承璊), Chia-Yen Lee, Shun-Chieh Lin, Yi-Lin Chiang, & Chih-Yu Chen, 2018. Efficient Heuristic Algorithm of Forward-and-backward Production Scheduling For Fastener Manufacturer. 2018 INFORMS International Conference, June 17-20, Taipei, Taiwan.

Chin-Yi Tseng (曾蓁宜), Chia-Yen Lee, 2017. Data Envelopment Analysis for Nash Equilibrium in Two-Level Electricity Market. The 2017 The 2017 Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Efficiency and Productivity Association, Nov. 25, 2017, National Taiwan University, Taiwan.

Jia-Ying Cai (蔡佳盈), Chin-Yi Tseng (曾蓁宜), and Ting-Syun Huang (黃亭勳), 2017. Work Study and Simulation Optimization of Supply-Demand Balancing in the Moth Orchid Plant Factory. The 27th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM2017), Jun. 27-30, Modena, Italy.

     Tseng, Chin-Yi, Lee, Chia-Yen*, Wang, Qunwei, Wu, Changsong, 2022. Data Envelopment Analysis and Stochastic Equilibrium Analysis for Market Power Investigation in a Bi-level Market. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 161, 102705.

Award: Magna Cum Laude (third prize), 2017 Big Data Analytics Competition for Creative Insurance

Award: Honorable Mention, 2016 Big Data Analytics Competition for Semiconductor Manufacturing.

Award: Master Thesis Award at Operation Research Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE)
     榮獲2018全國工業工程與管理碩士論文競賽 作業研究組 優勝

[12] 黃亭勳 (Ting-Syun Tommy Huang)


Teaching Assistant: Operations Research (作業研究)    

Voluntary Worker, 2018 INFORMS International Conference    

On-Site Research Assistant: 龍鼎生命科學股份有限公司
    Production Process Analysis and Supply-Demand Balance Optimization for the Moth Orchid Plant Factory               
    蝴蝶蘭植物工廠生產流程分析與產銷平衡最佳化 (電力契約容量分析)

Research Assistant: Aliya Corp. (愛利雅科技股份有限公司)
    Bandwidth Signal Analysis and Remaining Useful Life Prediction of  Motor Vibration

    Data Science for Remaining Useful Life Prediction and Predictive Maintenance of Electric Motor

Lee, Chia-Yen, Ting-Syun Huang, Meng-Kun Liu, and Chen-Yang Lan. 2019. Data Science for Vibration Heteroscedasticity and Predictive Maintenance of Rotary Bearings. Energies, 12 (5), 801.

Huang, Ting-Syun (黃亭勳), Chia-Yen Lee, Meng-Kun Liu, & Chen-Yang Lan, 2018. Data Mining For Time-series Bandwidth Signal Analysis of Electric Motor. 2018 INFORMS International Conference, June 17-20, Taipei, Taiwan.

Jia-Ying Cai (蔡佳盈), Chin-Yi Tseng (曾蓁宜), and Ting-Syun Huang (黃亭勳), 2017. Work Study and Simulation Optimization of Supply-Demand Balancing in the Moth Orchid Plant Factory. The 27th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM2017), Jun. 27-30, Modena, Italy.

Award: Magna Cum Laude (third prize), 2017 Big Data Analytics Competition for Creative Insurance

Award: Honorable Mention, 2016 Big Data Analytics Competition for Semiconductor Manufacturing.

[11] 董昭宏 (Zao-Hung Henry Dong)


Summer  Studies: Complementarity Modeling in Energy Markets

Teaching Assistant: Operations Research (作業研究)

Teaching Assistant: Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (智慧型製造系統)

Lab Research Assistant: Advanced Studies in Statistical Process Control (統計製程管制之進階研究)

Research Assistant: ASE Group (日月光半導體製造股份有限公司)                                                                         
     Wire Bond Equipment Health Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance Analysis

    Equipment Health Index for Fault Detection and Classification: An Empirical Study of Semiconductor Assembly Fabrication

Zhao-Hong Dong (董昭宏), Bo-Kai Jang (張博凱), and Chia-Yen Lee, 2017. Equipment Health Monitoring in the Semiconductor Assembly Process. The 27th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM2017), Jun. 27-30, Modena, Italy.

     Lee, Chia-Yen, and Dong, Zhao-Hong. 2019. Hierarchical equipment health index framework. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 32 (3), 267-276.

Award: Magna Cum Laude (second prize), 2016 Big Data Analytics Competition for Semiconductor Manufacturing.

Award: Master Thesis Award Honorable Mention at Production System Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE)
     榮獲2017全國工業工程與管理碩士論文競賽 生產系統組 佳作

[10] 蔡佳盈 (Jia-Ying Helen Cai)


Teaching Assistant: Productivity and Efficiency Analysis (生產力與效率分析)

On-Site Research Assistant: 龍鼎生命科學股份有限公司
    Production Process Analysis and Supply-Demand Balance Optimization for the Moth Orchid Plant Factory

Lab Reserach Assistant: Advanced Research on Data Envelopment Analysis 數據包絡分析法之前瞻研究

    LASSO Variable Selection in Data Envelopment Analysis and Convex Nonparametric Least Squares    
Lee, Chia-Yen, and Cai, Jia-Ying, 2020. LASSO variable selection in data envelopment analysis with small datasets. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 91, 102019.

Jia-Ying Cai (蔡佳盈), Chin-Yi Tseng (曾蓁宜), and Ting-Syun Huang (黃亭勳), 2017. Work Study and Simulation Optimization of Supply-Demand Balancing in the Moth Orchid Plant Factory. The 27th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM2017), Jun. 27-30, Modena, Italy.

Cai, Jia-Ying (蔡佳盈), and Chia-Yen Lee, 2016. LASSO Variable Selection Techniques in Data Envelopment Analysis (LASSO變數選取技術於數據包絡分析法). The 17th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS2016), Dec. 7-10, 2016, Taipei, Taiwan.

Grant: International Conference funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (MOST)

Grant: International Conference funded by National Cheng Kung University (NCKU)

Award: Best Student Paper Award, the 27th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM2017) .(June 2017)

Award: Best Student Paper Award, The 17th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS) .(Dec. 2016)

Award: Magna Cum Laude (second prize), 2016 Big Data Analytics Competition for Semiconductor Manufacturing.

[9] 洪紹嚴 (Shao-Yen Hung)


R系列筆記 Google Search Rank #1

Teaching Assistant: Data Mining (資料探勘)
    R Language Lectures for Data Mining- Theory and Practice
    資料探勘R語言教學- 理論與實務

Teaching Assistant: Mind of Strategist (企業參謀:思考的技術)

On-Site Research Assistant: ASE Group (日月光半導體製造股份有限公司)
    SPC Big Data: Data Mining for Delamination Diagnosis in the Semiconductor Assembly Process.                               

Lab Reserach Assistant: Text Mining for Deep Critical Thinking 文字探勘與深度思考推論

    Data Science for Delamination Diagnosis in the Semiconductor Assembly Process


Hung, Shao-Yen (洪紹嚴), Chia-Yen Lee, and Yung-Lun Lin (林永倫), 2020. Data science for delamination prognosis and online batch learning in semiconductor assembly process. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 10 (2), 314-324.

Shao-Yen Hung (洪紹嚴), Yung-Lun Lin (林永倫), and Chia-Yen Lee, 2017. Data Mining for Delamination Diagnosis in the Semiconductor Assembly Process. The 27th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM2017), Jun. 27-30, Modena, Italy.

Grant: International Conference funded by National Cheng Kung University (NCKU)

Award: Magna Cum Laude (second prize), 2016 Big Data Analytics Competition for Semiconductor Manufacturing.

Award: Master Thesis Award at Production System Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE)
     榮獲2018全國工業工程與管理碩士論文競賽 生產系統組 優勝

[8] 蔡宗倫 (Tsung-Lun Lun Tsai)


Article: Jul. 21, 2017  We are the world: Environment, Energy, and Sustainability

Internship: Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (tsmc, 台灣積體電路股份有限公司)

Teaching Assistant: Statistical Methods (統計方法)
    R Language Lectures for Statistical Method- Theory and Practice
    統計方法R語言教學- 理論與實務

Teaching Assistant: Mind of Strategist (企業參謀:思考的技術)

On-Site Research Assistant: Etu (知意圖股份有限公司)/ Innolux  (群創光電股份有限公司)
    Intelligent Production Automation: Data Mining for Yield Improvement of Color Filter in TFT-LCD Manufacturing.
    生產智慧自動化平台先導計畫- 以資料探勘技術改善TFT-LCD彩色濾光片製程之良率

On-Site Research Assistant: 成大醫院外科加護病房 (NCKU Hospitals Surgical Intensive Care Unit)
    Data Science for Key Success Factors and Prediction Models of Extubation in Intensive Care Unit

    Data Science and Bayesian Decision in Extubation Prediction of Surgical Intensive Care Unit

Lee, Chia-Yen, and Tsung-Lun Tsai, 2018. Data Science Framework for Variable Selection, Metrology Prediction, and Process Control in TFT-LCD Manufacturing. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 55, 76-87.

Tsai, Tsung-Lun, Huang, M.-H., Lee, Chia-Yen, and Lai, W.-W., 2019. Data science for extubation prediction and value of information in surgical intensive care unit. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 8 (10), 1709.

Tsung-Lun Tsai (蔡宗倫), and Chia-Yen Lee, 2017. Data Mining for Yield Improvement of Photo Spacer Process in Color Filter Manufacturing. The 27th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM2017), Jun. 27-30, Modena, Italy.

蔡宗倫、黃敏信、李家岩、賴吾為,2017。資料科學於外科手術加護病房拔管預測與貝氏決策,中華民國重症醫學會第六屆第四次會員大會暨2017聯合學術年會,Oct. 21, 2017, 中國醫藥大學,台灣。

Grant: International Conference funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (MOST)

Grant: International Conference funded by National Cheng Kung University (NCKU)

Award: Magna Cum Laude (second prize), 2016 Big Data Analytics Competition for Semiconductor Manufacturing.

Award: 斐陶斐榮譽學會會員 (The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society) (2017)

[7] 林永倫 (Yung-Lun Marcus Lin)


Internship: Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (tsmc, 台灣積體電路股份有限公司)

Teaching Assistant: Operations Research Applications (作業研究應用與實作)

On-Site Research Assistant: ASE Group (日月光半導體製造股份有限公司)
    SPC Big Data: Data Mining for Delamination Diagnosis in the Semiconductor Assembly Process.

Thesis: Optimal Computing Budget Allocation for Virtual Material Quality Investigation System and Bargaining Strategy

Hung, Shao-Yen (洪紹嚴), Chia-Yen Lee, and Yung-Lun Lin (林永倫), 2019. Data Science for Delamination Prognosis and Online Batch Learning in Semiconductor Assembly Process. Accepted in IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology.

Shao-Yen Hung (洪紹嚴), Yung-Lun Lin (林永倫), and Chia-Yen Lee, 2017. Data Mining for Delamination Diagnosis in the Semiconductor Assembly Process. The 27th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM2017), Jun. 27-30, Modena, Italy.

Lin, Yung-Lun (林永倫) and Chia-Yen Lee, 2015. Optimal Computing Budget Allocation for Virtual Material Quality Investigation (以最佳模擬預算分配法發展虛擬物料品質檢測系統). 2015 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) Conference & Annual Meeting, Taichung, Taiwan.

Lee, Chia-Yen and Yung-Lun Lin (林永倫), 2018. Virtual Material Quality Investigation System (虛擬物料品質檢測系統). Taiwan Patent: I632470.

Award: Master Thesis Award at Production System Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE)
     榮獲2016全國工業工程與管理碩士論文競賽 生產系統組 優勝

[6] 曾俊樺 (Jun-Hua Kevin Zeng)


Article: Jul. 14, 2016  改變台灣-從自己做起

Teaching Assistant: Data Mining (資料探勘)

On-Site Resarch Assistant: Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI, 工業技術研究院)
    Hybrid Fault Detection and Classification Technique for Time Series Pattern

Thesis: Data Mining for Genome-Wide Association Studies: An Empirical Study of Han Chinese Patients with Bipolar Disorder

Zeng, Jun-Hua (曾俊樺), 林順傑, Chia-Yen Lee, 簡裕峰, 夏啟峻, 蔡煥文 and 葉峻賓. Three-Phase Automatic Fault Detection Technique for Time-Series Dataset (時間序列資料之三階段自動化錯誤偵測技術). The 2015 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2015), Nov. 20-22, 2015, Tainan City, Taiwan.

Zeng, Jun-Hua (曾俊樺), Chia-Yen Lee, 李聖玉, 郭柏秀, 陸汝斌, 2015. Data Mining for Genome-Wide Association Studies: An Empirical Study of Han-Chinese Patients with Bipolar Disorder (資料探勘技術於全基因組關聯研究-以漢族雙極症疾患為例). 2015 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE, 中國工業工程年會) Conference & Annual Meeting, Taichung, Taiwan.

     Lee, Chia-Yen, Zeng, Jun-Hua, Lee, S.-Y., Lu, R.-B., and Kuo, P.-H., 2021. SNP data science for classification of bipolar disorder I and bipolar disorder II. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 18 (6), 2862-2869

Award: Honorable Mention, 2015 Big Data Analytics for  Semiconductor Manufacturing

Award: Master Thesis Award at Biomedical Sciences of Ke-Lin Technology 科林科技論文獎, Lam Research Corporation
國立成功大學105年度科林科技論文獎 (生物醫學獎)

[5] 梁家隆 (Chia-Lung Leon Liang)


Article: Jul. 13, 2016  教育的反思-老師與學生間的關係

Teaching Assistant: Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (智慧型製造系統)

On-Site Research Assistant: HAN LIN PUBLISHING CO.(翰林教育文化出版事業股份有限公司)
     Data Mining for Printing Forecast and Decision in Educational Publisher

Thesis: Manufacturer's Printing Decision and Contract Design Optimization under Information Asymmetry: An Empirical
     Study of Taiwan Educational Publishing
     在資訊不對稱下建構製造商印量決策與合約設計最佳化: 以台灣教育出版業為實證研究

Lee, Chia-Yen, and Chia-Lung Liang (梁家隆), 2018. Manufacturer's Printing Forecast, Reprinting Decision, and Contract Design in the Educational Publishing Industry. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 125, 678-687.

Liang, Chia-Lung (梁家隆), Chia-Yen Lee, 莊雅雯, 2015. Data Mining for Forecasting Printing and Reprint Decision in Educational Publishing Industry (以資料探勘與隨機規劃技術建構教育出版業印量預測與再版決策架構). 2015 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE, 中國工業工程年會) Conference & Annual Meeting, Taichung, Taiwan.

Award: Master Thesis Award at Empirical Study Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE)
     榮獲2016全國工業工程與管理碩士論文競賽 實務個案組 優勝

Award: Best Industry-University Research Award  (科技部工程司產學成果優良獎)

[4] 孫維君 (Wei-Chun Vicky Sun)


Teaching Assistant: Operations Research (作業研究)

On-Site Research Assistant: NCKU Research Center for Energy Technology and Strategy (國立成功大學能源科技與策略研究中心)
Biofuel Regional Economy and Supply Chain Optimization

Lab Reserach Assistant: Advanced Research on Data Envelopment Analysis 數據包絡分析法之前瞻研究

Thesis: Biodiesel Economic Analysis and Global Supply Chain Stochastic Optimization (Photo)

Lee, Chia-Yen, Sun, Wei-Chun, and Li, Y.-H., 2022. Biodiesel economic evaluation and biomass planting allocation optimization in global supply chain. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 69 (3), 602-615.

Sun, Wei-Chun (孫維君) and Chia-Yen Lee, 2015. Biodiesel Economic Evaluation and Biomass Global Supply Chain Stochastic Optimization (生質柴油經濟效益評估與生物質全球供應鏈隨機最佳化). 2015 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE, 中國工業工程年會) Conference & Annual Meeting, Taichung, Taiwan.

Award: Best Paper for 2015 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) Conference & Annual Meeting (Dec. 2015) (Photo1, Photo2)

[3] 吳民友 (Min-You Mio Wu)


Article: Nov. 25, 2015  一個不被放棄的魯蛇

Internship: Taiway Industry Co. (台惟工業股份有限公司)

Teaching Assistant: Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (智慧型製造系統)

On-Site Research Assistant: Industrial Technology Research Institute (工業技術研究院)
    Implementation of Multi-Objective Job-Shop Scheduling System (多目標生產排程系統)

On-Site Research Assistant: San Sing Fastech Co. (三星科技股份有限公司)
    Equipment Utilization Analysis and Scheduling Decision Support System for Steel Nut Manufacturer

Thesis: Multi-Objective Stochastic Scheduling Optimization: A Study of Auto Parts Manufacturer in Taiwan (Photo)

Wu, Min-You (吳民友) and Chia-Yen Lee, 2015. Sampling-based NSGA-II for Stochastic Scheduling in Auto Parts Manufacturer (抽樣多目標遺傳演算法於汽車零組件製造商之隨機排程最佳化). 2015 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE, 中國工業工程年會) Conference & Annual Meeting, Taichung, Taiwan.

Award: Master Thesis Award at Operations Research Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE)
     榮獲2016全國工業工程與管理碩士論文競賽 作業研究組 優勝

[2] 劉韋億 (Wei-Yi Liu) - under the supervision of professor Taho Yang, and Chia-Yen coadvice.

Reserach Assistant: Gintech Energy Corporation (昱晶能源科技股份有限公司)
Thesis: The use of simulation and multiple criteria decision-making methods in solving the solar cell industry layout design problem.
Liu, Wei-Yi, Chia-Yen Lee, T. Yang, J.-C. Lu (Sept. 2013). Simulation Model and Multi-Criteria Decision Making for Layout Design of Cellular Manufacturing in a Solar Cell Manufacturer. Joint Symposium of e-Manufacturing & Design Collaboration (eMDC) and International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing (ISSM), Hsinchu, Taiwan
Award: Master Thesis Award Honorable Mention of Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE)

[1] 林書弘 (Shu-Hung Lin)- under the supervision of professor Taho Yang, and Chia-Yen coadvice.

Summer Studies: Simulation Optimization & AMHS

Reserach Assistant: Gintech Energy Corporation (昱晶能源科技股份有限公司)
Thesis: Two-phase simulation-optimization given customer acceptance requirements for vendor selection and order allocation.
Lin, Shu-Hung, Chia-Yen Lee, T. Yang, J.-C. Lu (Sept. 2013). Two-Phase Simulation Optimization for Vendor Selection and Order Allocation in a Solar Cell Manufacturer. Joint Symposium of e-Manufacturing & Design Collaboration (eMDC) and International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing (ISSM), Hsinchu, Taiwan.
Award: Master Thesis Award of Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE); 獲得2013工業工程學會碩士論文競賽生產系統組優勝
      Thesis Award of Supply Chain Mgmt by Chinese Management Association; 獲得2013中華民國管理科學學會供應鏈管理碩士論文獎優勝

Award: 斐陶斐榮譽學會會員 (The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society) (2013)

   MBA in Engineering Management, NCKU

[21] 陳威黎

[20] 鄭淳仁 (Chun-Jen Cheng)
        Reinforcement Learning to Develop Badminton Tactical System
        Honorable Mention, Master Thesis Award at 2021 Service Science Society of Taiwan (Oct. 2021)
        榮獲2021台灣服務科學學會學術研究獎 [碩士在職專班組] 佳作!

[19] 楊哲彥 (Che-Yen Yang)
        Regression Analysis and Design of Experiments on Expanded Ratio for Chemical Foaming Injection

[18] 沈柏丞 (Po-Cheng Shen)
        Deep Learning for Wafer Bin Map Recognition and Quality Re-Inspection System
        Master Thesis Award at Empirical Study Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) (July 2020)
        榮獲中國工業工程學會碩士論文獎 [實務個案組] 優勝!
[17] 謝宗達 (Tsung-Ta Hsieh)
         Image Recognition for Product Defect Inspection in the Panel Industry
         Honorable Mention of Master Thesis Award at Empirical Study Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) (July 2020)
         榮獲中國工業工程學會碩士論文獎 [實務個案組] 佳作!

[16] 林宛儒 (Wan-Ju Lin)
         Optimization of the Steam and Electricity Operation in the Petrochemical Plants
[15] 陳靖方 (Chin-Fang Chen)
         Demand Forecasting and Capacity Planning of Polyester Filament Yarn in Taiwan
[14] 詹晨偉 (Chen-Wei Chan)
         Text Mining for Public Concerns-A Case Study of the COVID-19 on PTT Text

[13] 盧宣文 (Hsuan-Wen Lu)
        Kernel-Density Dynamic Ensemble Technique for Predictive Maintenance
        Honorable Mention of Master Thesis Award at Information System Session in Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) (July 2020)
        榮獲中國工業工程學會碩士論文獎 [資訊系統組] 佳作!

[12] 黃豊哲 (Li-Che Huang)
        Develop Time Series Deep Learning and Contingency Control Procedures in Air Pollution Prevention

[11] 劉信岦

[10] 林暉凱 (Hui-Kai Lin)
        Wire Rod Price Forecast for Fastener Industry

[9] 黃輝隆 (Hui-Lung Huang)
        Order Forecasting for Inventory Management System Development— An Empirical Study of Automobile Parts Manufacturing
        從訂單預測之觀點建立存貨管理系統- 以汽機車零件製造業為例
[8] 羅凱鳴 (Kai-Ming Luo)
        Analytic Network Process for Dispatching of Mobile Debris Flow Monitoring Station.

[7] 黃正宏 (Tim)
        Product Promotion Strategy of Plastic Carrier in Semiconductor Manufacturing (unpublished)
        半導體製程塑膠載具產品推廣策略研究與分析 (unpublished)

[6] 周奕任 (Yi-Ren Chou)
      Fire Vehicle Dispatching and Deployment Optimization for Building Fire.
      Award: Honorable Mention, Master Thesis Award at 2017 Service Science Society of Taiwan (Oct. 2017)
                  台灣服務科學學會學術研究獎 碩士在職專班組 佳作

[5] 陳偉欽 (Wei-Chin Sizemore Chen)
      Using Mathematical Programming and Meta-heuristic Methods to Optimize the Design of Die-cuts for Angle-Constrained Product.
      Award: 2018富邦人壽管理碩士論文獎EMBA組 佳作 (Aug. 2018)

[4] 鄧學賢 (Shueh-Shien Alex Teng)
      A Study of Taguchi Method for Robust Parameters Design Problems in Shot Peening Process of Engine Repair

[3] 陳凱緯 (Kai-Wei Kerry Chen)
      Decision Tree and Data Mining Models for Product Upgrade Decision: An Empirical Study of Uninterruptible Power Supply Company in Taiwan
      以決策樹與資料探勘模型改善產品升級決策- 以台灣不斷電系統公司為例

[2] 張和健 (Ho-Chien Chang)
      Dynamic Industry Analysis for Grand Alliance in Taiwan TFT-LCD Industry

  Lee, Chia-Yen, Chang, Ho-Chien, and Wang, K.-W., 2021. Business ecosystem and technology roadmap for Taiwan’s TFT-LCD industry. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 33 (1), 1-17.

[1] 江明建 (Ming-Chien Tomas Chiang)
      Optimization of Capacity Planning and Production Control Process in TFT-LCD Industry
      優化TFT-LCD 面板產業產能規劃與生產管制作業流程

  Undergraduate (project in computer science), NCKU

[14] 李愷崴、蔡有爵
        Face recognition and monitoring system

[13] 蕭少柏
        Machine Learning for Home Appliance Sales Forecasting

[12] 黃聖宇
        Particle Swarm Optimization in 2-D Knapsack problem for Design of Die-cuts

[11] 朱浩澤、許芸禎
       Genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization on production scheduling

[10] 歐子毓、王蒂元
       Data science for hourse price prediction
       Award: 成大資訊工程系109級大學部畢業專題展示會 佳作

[9] 陳冠宇, 張庭維
      Machine learning for remaining useful life prediction of bearings

[8] 張睿, 馮義程
      Reinforcement Learning in Stock Trading System

[7] 楊智丞, 鄭宇軒, 黃祺晏, and 王晉鋒
      Diet Problem and Attractions Routing Optimization

[6] 呂開誠, 徐偉倫 (coadvised with Professor Sun-Yuan Hsieh)
      Diffusion Forecasting for Zika Virus

[5] 吳欣燁, 林詠倫
      Text Mining for the Geek Culture

[4] 李季紘
      Data Mining and Feature Selection for TFT-LCD Black Matrix Process

[3] 陳建旭, 鄭佩怡
      Internship: San Sing Fastech Co. 三星科技股份有限公司
      Equipment Utilization Analysis and Scheduling Decision Support System for Steel Nut Manufacturer

[2] 蔡宗倫, 洪紹嚴, 連炤越
      Data Mining for Predicting Excitement of Education Donation

[1] 顧凱云 (Kai-Yun Ku)
      Data Mining for Bio-Chip Analysis: A Study of Breast Cancer